350 injection?

350 injection?



Original Poster:

115 posts

270 months

Saturday 25th January 2003
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are the injectors in the 350 the same as a 400, the reason i ask is coz i know of 4.0 short block i could get cheap, but whats in volved in changing the fueling?could iuse my current injectors, ecu, throtle bodie?

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Saturday 25th January 2003
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If the 400 is a flapper injection type ( only the early ones 1989-early 1990) then no problem, but most were hot wire. Do you need new injectors ?


Original Poster:

115 posts

270 months

Saturday 25th January 2003
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i dont know what the 4.0 used, but what i want do is mate the short block with some stage 2 haeds and spicy cam, i want keep it injected though, or will this mean scrapping my 350 equipment and starting from scratch?

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Saturday 25th January 2003
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Look at the inlet manifold next to the thermostat housing there should be a number, let me know what it is. also does the 4.0L engine have a thin (10mm) or thick (20mm)wide fuel rail the pipe that links the injectors.


Original Poster:

115 posts

270 months

Sunday 26th January 2003
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thanks for your help, but i just had a look but i could not see the number you metioned, wondered if the engine no would help it is 37a00040?
as for 4.0 i dont anything about it, all i know is it has no heads, but is ready for fitting up

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Sunday 26th January 2003
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I was refering to the number on the 40L engine inlet, i know which type 350 has.
Sorry i've missed thge point slightly, i thought you were doing a complete engine swap inc manifold ( didn't read the word short)
Yes you can use your injection system on any size engine, if you go to 4.0L without modification.
at this stage i would recommend fitting some decent heads if you can.

>> Edited by 2 sheds on Sunday 26th January 09:47


Original Poster:

115 posts

270 months

Sunday 26th January 2003
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i was thinking of maybe stage 3 heads but not sure wat is a good cam to match it with?

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Sunday 26th January 2003
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Depends on your requirements/ type of driving, i would recommend H218 or V8 developments MC1, or similar these retain low down torque.
give me a call if you want to go into more detail.


Original Poster:

115 posts

270 months

Sunday 26th January 2003
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thanks tim will get in toutch once i have new unit.


782 posts

274 months

Monday 27th January 2003
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Just fitted an MC1 and vernier timing gear from V8 Devt's to my 400. It certainly pulls from lower down than the original (214 I believe)and has a nice progressive torque curve though I am a little disappointed that it seems to lack urgency at the top end or the free reving feel that it used to have. However, talk to Ray or Shaun at V8 Dev't as they are good guys and can advise. The MC1 runs at 108 iLo 112 degrees timing so I was going to retime it to 110 to see if it'll give the former urgency feel. It's all about the feel of the car as I'm sure that the overall accel is up.
Good luck with the tinkering - why not simply PX the 350 for a 400??


Original Poster:

115 posts

270 months

Tuesday 28th January 2003
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i was going to try and try to sell my 350, when i saw IMO the most gorgeous wedge ever, it was a black 460 for sale in the classifieds, but is not there any more,
so i missed out, for the time being i think will just play with mine unless something as special pops up again,but even if it does it would help if it were a garage, were i could trade mine in.


264 posts

275 months

Tuesday 28th January 2003
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Go to www.tvrwedgepages.co.uk and have a look in the classifieds. It looks like the 460SE is still for sale.


Original Poster:

115 posts

270 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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that is the one , it is stunning but i have got to sell mine one before even thinling about it.