350SE survival rate

350SE survival rate



Original Poster:

583 posts

272 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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I was wondering how many of the original 25(?) 350SE are still around today. Do any other pistonheads own one? I've got number 5. I know number 6 was advertised on this site last year and someone was trying to sell number 4 damaged/repairable.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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About high teens.


1,474 posts

279 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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i broke up h plate dark blue 350se no19 i think from memory,

by the way have a set of wheels left £100 the lot

>> Edited by pistolar on Friday 24th January 21:02


805 posts

277 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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pistolar said: i broke up h plate dark blue 350se no19 i think from memory,

by the way have a set of wheels left £100 the lot

>> Edited by pistolar on Friday 24th January 21:02

Got any other bits?


2 posts

264 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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I have number 9, rosso red with a V8 Developments 4 litre engine and high lift Cam and gas flowed heads.

Did the suspension last year, uprated springs and new bushes. The handling was good, now it is superb !!

This year I am going to modify the brakes, difficult to stop when your really flying !!!