At last.......its pay day

At last.......its pay day



Original Poster:

26,502 posts

269 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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Wallet now bulging with dollars after paying off Father Xmas.
Time to stop wingeing about the cold and get down to some proper work! want to buy a rising rate fuel pressure regulator, can you all advise if there is an alternative to the PBV as fitted by gaz666 if so which is the best and is it a straight swap or do i need to make brackets etc?
Cheers in anticipation


234 posts

295 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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Not wanting to hijack the post, but while we're on the topic, what benefit does the rising rate fuel thing have? Mate has one on his SD1 and he keeps on at me to fit one to the wedge.


166 posts

294 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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i fitted one after doing quite a lot of other work (the car was off the road for 6 months), when i started it up again it ran really badly and after rolling road tunes and various other bits ( cost a fortune ) i was still none the wiser, then i read steves bible which tells how to set up the pressure regulator ( the instructions with it just say fit it and turn quarter of a turn to put the pressure up slightly if needed), i check the pressure and it was 75 psi instead of 36. all sorted now and works a treat, the car is more responsive and make a big difference if you floor it - just check the pressure!


Original Poster:

26,502 posts

269 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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what make you got and did you need different brackets or pipework?


166 posts

294 months

Saturday 25th January 2003
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i got an FSE from wedge automotive, i think i made a bracket by bending a piece of sheet steel to a z shape and drilling a couple of holes in it, other wise its a very quick job, just take the old one off and copy how its put on with the new one, if you want to set the pressure yourself you just put a tee piece in line and put a gauge on it, there is another thread on this forum called "fuel pressure" (on page 2)have a look at that.


166 posts

294 months