You must be joking...

You must be joking...


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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Two weeks ago: leaking fuel tank. Fixed.

Last week: blown fuses: Short in cigar lighter. Fixed.

Yesterday: Split heater hose, no coolant

Anything to beware off when replacing the multitude of hoses attached to the Ford V6? I might as well do as many of them as I can...Do these need to come from Ford or can generic hoses do the job as well or better?



26,901 posts

276 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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Some of them are standard Granada. Some are standard Transit van. One or two are 'off the reel' and the rest may be from a T-34 tank.


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Monday 27th January 2003
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Luckily, I have a T34 behind the shed...Decided in the end to replace all with standard hose from the auto shop.

Found out also the reason for the hose splitting. When the panel beaters put the body back on the chassis after my bingle, the hoses to and from the heater were run from the engine bay to the heater OVER the chassis crossmember rather than under it. I'm assuming this is wrong as the one that split did so near where it was being squeezed between the body and the chassis......

Much wringing of hands contemplating body removal led to a much simpler option. Disconnect the heater and just connect the to/from fittings to each other... Hey presto no heater (which I'm convinced is where most of the rust in my coolant comes from, and doesn't work much anyway), and a working car again.

Not game to remove those trapped hoses though. I'll just think of them as extra bushes for now I think.
