Tyre sizes on 350i

Tyre sizes on 350i



Original Poster:

27 posts

272 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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I need to replace the rears on my S2 350i and when looking through the spec of a 390 i noticed that original tyre sizes were 225/50/15 not the 205/60/15 that i have got.Is there anything to be gained by going bigger or do i just replace like for like?
Any comments please chaps

Toby Noble

107 posts

277 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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Apart from 225/50s being a lot more expensive than 205/60s you may have clearance problems depending on the age of the 350i. I know I couldn't get them on my 280i. I just put P7s (205/60) on it and couldn't be happier.

You may have trouble getting the more exotic tyres in a 60 profile though.



8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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Yep worse handling as the tyres are a touch too wide and roll off the rim. I used wear out the sidewall lettering before the tread....



12,842 posts

269 months

Friday 24th January 2003
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There were quite a few threads on this last Autumn and you seem to be a little confused. The original tyre size on a 350 was 205/60 whilst on the 390 it was 225/50.

The main problem however for all 350i owners is that the High Performance tyres are not made with a 60 profile and not that many for 15". The best compromise IMO is to switch to the Griff 205/55/15 profile and thus run on a 3% smaller diameter; its better than running on duff tyres. Your main choices then would be F1 GS-D3s, S03PPs or Proxes.


1,165 posts

278 months

Tuesday 28th January 2003
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The main problem however for all 350i owners is that the High Performance tyres are not made with a 60 profile and not that many for 15". The best compromise IMO is to switch to the Griff 205/55/15 profile and thus run on a 3% smaller diameter; its better than running on duff tyres. Your main choices then would be F1 GS-D3s, S03PPs or Proxes.

Just about to take the plunge and buy 4 tyres for the Tasmin. I bought some 15" standard wheels to replace the original 14" ones so that I could fit some decent tyres.
I was thinking of the SO3 PP's 205/55/15, as suggested above. Is anyone running these?? and where is a good place to buy.


421 posts

274 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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Don't know if it's any help, but American tyres are often a cheaper option. Not sure if they are available in the spec for 350's, but must be worth a try. Cooper and Goodrich are readily available in the UK.


1,844 posts

278 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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Not sure about for 15" wheels, but i have a pair of BF Goddrich on the front of my 350i and they seem pretty good. they were already on it when i bought it and haven't felt the need to rush out and replace them, unlike hte Dunlop SP8000 on the rear, which is a bit too hard.


1,165 posts

278 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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Thanks for the replies.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 2nd February 2003
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Micheldever still have plenty Bridgestone RE71 206/60/15