modual 350i 1987

modual 350i 1987



Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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can anyone tell me if my modual on the distributer was playing up what would the symptoms be


2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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can anyone tell me if my modual on the distributer was playing up what would the symptoms be


Bad mis-fire, could appear to be running on 6-7 cylinders, may also be intermittent.
any help ??


Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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well it seems to happen over 4000 rpm

and thanks or the reply

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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Could still be the module. I find that the intermotor ones are crap , if you have one of these i would fit a lucas one, just a thought


70 posts

269 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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Check out my thread on Dizzy air-gap, everything helps.


26,499 posts

269 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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had to change mine last month cos car wouldnt start if i tried to restart it when engine hot. and toward the end of its life car engine would stall when at low revs ie at junctions. Put it back on over the weekend for a laugh and hey presto symptoms came back!