engine temp

engine temp



Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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looking at some off the previous topics i have notice that my 350i is runing at 40 to 45c on a continous run
and when sitting at idle it will rise to around 90c
and if it trys to go above that then the fan cuts in, but once on the move it will come down to 40is c,

can some one tell me if this is ok or is it sending the wrong info to the ecu




36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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My 350 would do that on occasion so I would change the thermostat and that cured it, stuck open/opening early. Not saying that that is your solution.
When working it would come up to 80 odd, thermostat would open and gauge drop a little then come back up to 90 odd and fans come on and drop back below 80, but not far etc.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Monday 20th January 20:59


Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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so do you think my is running a bit cooler then it should, and would it send the wrong info to the ecu


>> Edited by tcpc on Monday 20th January 21:04

>> Edited by tcpc on Monday 20th January 21:05

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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The switch on my electric fan started cutting in early a few weeks ago during the cold weather and the car would not reach full temp. It definately ran a bit strange.


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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tcpc said: so do you think my is running a bit cooler then it should, and would it send the wrong info to the ecu


>> Edited by tcpc on Monday 20th January 21:04

>> Edited by tcpc on Monday 20th January 21:05

Going by what mine used to run like yes but then I am no expert and would defere to more informed peole. Standing by for a lesson

>> Edited by jmorgan on Monday 20th January 21:41


26,499 posts

269 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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If yer guage is calibrated correct (Which i doubt)then its definately too low. but i think the ecu is only concerned about really low temps so that it can cut in the low temp injector. But dont worry cos sooner or later Shpub,Wedgie etc etc will see your plight and give you a more definitive answer.


26,901 posts

276 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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It does sound like the stermothat is stuckly open. 90 would be about right at idle, as long as the fans come and go to keep it from going daft. Go for a cruise at 45 degrees, stop and quickly check the rad hoses. If it doesn't take the flesh off your hand (i.e. is merely warm) then the gauge is probably telling the truth and the 'stat is Donald Ducked.



421 posts

274 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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Mine runs on the cool side unless it's stationary, but then my fan switch is duff, so I prefer it cool! I have a manual fan switch for traffic jam scenarios...


12,838 posts

269 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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Ideally the fan(s) should cut in a little later at about 97 and bring the temperature down to about 90. The engine runs best at about 92.


Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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thanks for the replys ,i will get a new stat, i will try RT and see if he has one


>> Edited by tcpc on Tuesday 21st January 22:04


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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Get a TVR one. Don't fit a Rover one as they have the wrong temp spec. An 82 or even 78 is the best. Chnaces are the car will end up overheating otherwise.
