Expensive day so far...

Expensive day so far...



Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 20th January 2003
quotequote all
Ordered the bits I need to rewire the fuel injection: £70.
Then I went to see if I could get a new clutch master cylinder from the Lucas/ Girling main agents: £100. WHAT!! Christ. I could carve one from solid Unobtanium with a craft knife for less than that...
Apparently the casting code no longer corresponds to any production cylinders, so they had to x-ref the bore, stroke, mounting etc. with Girling themselves. Or TRW as it is now.
So watch out if you need a new one...

Rather skinter than I was an hour ago...


26,499 posts

269 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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My brother works for Girling (TRW or has another Yanky firm taken it over?)in Pontypool.Better get him to ahem borrow one for me before they close it down.


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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I know it was a few years ago, but sure I paid £60incvat? Still, saved me on fluid and the drip that landed on my sock and discoloured them.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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Give Christopher Neil a call, I payed under £50 for one a couple of years ago - ask for Paul Mac



Original Poster:

26,901 posts

276 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
quotequote all
I knew this would happen; people telling me that there are numerous stockists with loads on the shelf! ;-)
I've already coughed up, Danny, but thanks for the info. I'm sure that the last time I priced one (last year, when I got the seal kit) it was about £60, can't remember but think that was plus VAT anyway.
Apart from the Lotus Cortina and Lotus Esprit, I never did identify any other car FOR CERTAIN that this m/cyl was fitted to: rumours abound that the TR6 was the same. Then again, it may as well be off the Space Shuttle for all the good the catalogues were this time.
Suppose I can't complain, having just shelled out £70 on connectors and lengths of cable in 22 colours just for the EFI, when I could've bodged it and stripped some multicore from work! I want to use the original colours. However I've gone for thicker cable to maximise what voltage/ current is there to fire the injectors. Ironically the 3-pole connector for the throttle pot has now been deleted by the supplier. I can't find the 10-way for the resistor pack in any catalogue, may have to be a trip to the Lucas EFI dealer (different place than the brakes!) to see if they can fit me up.
