New Exhaust Yeah !!!

New Exhaust Yeah !!!


nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,363 posts

291 months

Friday 17th January 2003
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Well after a blowing exhaust ( ooo ! )for ages I've finally taken the plunge. Had a stainless system fitted at RT Racing. Sounds fantastic ! It has made the whole car feel different. Sounds different to the mild steel but better I think. I finish work tonight at 10pm so I'm going to go for a blast to test it out so if there's anyone around Sheffield who wants to join me ?


856 posts

293 months

Sunday 19th January 2003
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Well done Nick !!! I have heard that Stainless Exhausts improve overtime noisewise, so the best is yet to come. Apparently they take longer to settle down!! I wait to be shot down on this one but both my TVRs have had stainless and did sound better a few months after having them fitted.




6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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I found when I went stainless that when used for extended periods, the stainless steel holds the heat much more. to the point where after a good run, the tailpipe is so hot it will brand flesh !!(I know, i have the marks)
Also, as the car warms up, the exhaust tone gets deeper as it gets warmer.