CO adjusting on 350i...

CO adjusting on 350i...



Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Tuesday 14th January 2003
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When adjusting allen screw on flapper unit on 350i for co content, witch way does what? Lean...Ritch...clockwise...anti..etc. Come on chaps, you know!!!


26,901 posts

276 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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From memory I think it's cw for richer, acw to lean off. But it may be the other way...



166 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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on my 350i clockwise too rich up


Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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Nice one,thanks. In an old thread i see you were going to Progress Engineering for the rolling road, plan to go there myself. How did you get on ?


166 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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havn't been yet, i am trying to sort a miss fire that i am getting from 4000 to 5000 rpm



Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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had a problem like that, drove me mad, checked all the usual, fuel and spark related. After banging my head against the wall for days it turned out to be the earth from engine to chassis etc. I know it sounds daft but if you havent checked this, replace these earth straps and get a good earth. my missfiring went, good luck.


166 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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where should the earth strap be or where is it on your car



Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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i had one from battery going to bolt on the engine lifting eye just by the bell housing and then to chassis bolt, and one from alternator mounting bolt to the coil mounting bracket. Replaced these with black earth cable from halfords also cleaning around bolts with wire brush. Hope it works, also when its dark rev the motor and check for arcing.


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 16th January 2003
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A quick way of checking this is to use a single jump lead from the battery to the engine/chassis.
