Brake cooling ducts - 390/400/450?

Brake cooling ducts - 390/400/450?



Original Poster:

349 posts

287 months

Tuesday 14th January 2003
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Hi all, saw recently in a workshop manual that some series 2 wedges seem to have been supplied with front cooling ducts fitted.
anyone have them?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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Workshop manual? I didn't know there was one.

Where can I get a copy?


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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Do you mean the hole in the front spoiler intended for the ducts, but the rad is a bit big (probably for a good reason) so blocks them?


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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The 390 had them and some piping that sort of went close! Ended up putting ducts in the bib spoiler underneath and routing the pipework upwords to the callipers.



26,901 posts

276 months

Wednesday 15th January 2003
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I have some pics from the previous owner of my 390 that show the corrugated ducts and the extra air dam underneath, but the dam has gone (you can see the screw holes!) and it looks like it's had a new rad, cos it's so wide it partially obscures the intakes in the front spoiler, hence the ducting is missing.



Original Poster:

349 posts

287 months

Sunday 19th January 2003
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I saw the manual in my local TVR dealer and the bodywork page showed them on one of the schematics.
Wedg1e- Have you got a digital photo you could send me?
Reason i ask is that i'm going to do as many trackdays as a/ the noise limits allow (i can forget goodwood!)
and b/ the time i have available
this year and wanted to fit some brake cooling. I'd like to see how it was originally done?
SHpub- Im sure id like to see how you did it, have you got an example photo too


26,901 posts

276 months

Sunday 19th January 2003
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It's not worth getting excited over, the duct can just be seen curving under the front spoiler. Not much to see, just enough to make out the fact that it was there and now it isn't! Same with the chin spoiler really.
My guess is the duct was just a length of corrugated hose (black in this pic), cable-tied to the flange of the orifice in the front dam, led back around the wheelarch and tied to the bottom wishbone with, perhaps, some kind of vacuum cleaner nozzle to aim the air at the brakes... :-D Typical TVR thing, really...
I'm after some AP 4-pots as an upgrade, I think it may be more effective... mind you I also want to rebush the whole suspension, do something with the dampers (I tried to get rebuild kits from Koni but they won't play), new clutch master cyl. (this week), rewire the injection system, remortgage the house...;-)



8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 20th January 2003
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Mine got smashed during the hit an animal at Goodwood at 120 and land up in the cornfield 100 yards away incident. Just as Wedgie says... nothing special.



Original Poster:

349 posts

287 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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Thanks guys, i didnt imagine they''d be very technical knowing TVR!.
wedg1e- My radiator is the same, i.e. partially obscuring the ducts.but i'm gonna order some brake ducting from Demon tweeks and have a go!