Drilled 50mm hole into heater matrix and blanked off exterior air supply grill in readiness to fit ducting (pinching it from work tommorrow) ran engine and initial results quite promising although a bit smelly! will also "borrow" digital thermometer to do full evaluation next weekend. Stay warm guys and goodnight.
Nice and warm drive to work this morning
Borrowed digital thermometer for drive home and initial readings are:- 8c from cold rising to 22.5c after 10miles staying at this temp for rest of journey (17 miles in total)temperatures measured in airstream of window vents averaging an amazing 50c.
These readings are bound to improve when pipe fitted and directed at exhaust manifold.
I now need to fit said pipe and do a series of tests with and without mod to determine actual improvement.
Could even be a good 6 sigma project!
PS. i know im getting a bit fanatical about this issue
but the next stage will involve coiling some copper microbore tube around flexi pipe and plumbing this into water system making a pre matrix matrix!!

Borrowed digital thermometer for drive home and initial readings are:- 8c from cold rising to 22.5c after 10miles staying at this temp for rest of journey (17 miles in total)temperatures measured in airstream of window vents averaging an amazing 50c.
These readings are bound to improve when pipe fitted and directed at exhaust manifold.
I now need to fit said pipe and do a series of tests with and without mod to determine actual improvement.
Could even be a good 6 sigma project!
PS. i know im getting a bit fanatical about this issue
but the next stage will involve coiling some copper microbore tube around flexi pipe and plumbing this into water system making a pre matrix matrix!!

wedg1e said: Am I missing something here, or are you not running the risk of drawing all manner of nasty fumes into the cabin?
Could try routing it through some sort of filter where you cut the hole in the fan in take. Not sure this would help too much with CO though if the manifolds leak!
Spose you got a nice warm Wedge?
Nope, I bet mine is colder than yours as I have stripped it down ready for the respray.
No doors or roof lets the draughts in a bit and only the cold bare fibre glass floor to sit on.
Hope to get it back together soon when I have saved up enough cash for the painting!
>> Edited by gf350 on Monday 20th January 18:41
just checked out your piccys nice engine bay.
reminds me that i ought to be concerntrating on the basics like rad hoses etc. Gonna get me some of those nice coloured ones too. Must back flush the heater matrix while im at it (which is probably the root of my problem) Cant help going off on the old lateral thinking route though!
just checked out your piccys nice engine bay.
reminds me that i ought to be concerntrating on the basics like rad hoses etc. Gonna get me some of those nice coloured ones too. Must back flush the heater matrix while im at it (which is probably the root of my problem) Cant help going off on the old lateral thinking route though!
dickymint said: Gareth,
just checked out your piccys nice engine bay.
reminds me that i ought to be concerntrating on the basics like rad hoses etc. Gonna get me some of those nice coloured ones too. Must back flush the heater matrix while im at it (which is probably the root of my problem) Cant help going off on the old lateral thinking route though!
I just spent last weekend covering the remaining black hoses with the silver sleeving stuff, how sad is this getting. Sometimes I can't help thinking I have better things that I could be doing to the car, but this soon passes and its back to the cleaning engine bits!
The hoses are from Tim a ACT www.actproducts.co.uk/
But beware its a slippery slope! I simply must have those magnicor leads and stainless manifolds now, even though the car has no doors on it!
PS. If you find your self falling out of the car door after each trip and you can't stand up again for a few minutes, this may be because there is some carbon monoxide getting in to the cabin. I know this because a capri I once owned had this problem.
>> Edited by gf350 on Monday 20th January 19:48
danny hoffman said:
I am sure the under bonnet heat alone would make some difference.
Your right Danny it does as my figures have proved (sort off)thats the state of play so far ie. under bonnet heat as in not direct off manifold. Next stage to make heat exchanger by coiling smaller pipe fed via cooling system around air intake pipe.
My car has the recirculating-only heater so yes, it does warm up faster than my old Tasmin did. Then again, the testicles on a polar bear are warmer than that car was...
I get some fume ingress into the cabin, I think some of it may be through the hole by which the speedo cable and bonnet release enter/ exit, as there's nothing there but some clag (technical term) that doesn't stick to anything anyway.

I get some fume ingress into the cabin, I think some of it may be through the hole by which the speedo cable and bonnet release enter/ exit, as there's nothing there but some clag (technical term) that doesn't stick to anything anyway.
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