280i Gearbox

280i Gearbox



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Sunday 12th January 2003
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Evening again
Quick question about the gearbox..............what is it, my current thinking is it's a Ford 'Type 5' gearbox, 4 speed manual. Does this sound right? How does one extract the gear lever? 3 bolts on top, but then what? I can see from the top that it's just a lot of wear in the nylon bush surrounding the gearstick that's causing the pron.........

The huge 'slop' in it prevented me getting reverse today when trying to turn her round to get on with the suspension. Resulted in having to push up sloping driveway, followed by annoyance and dislocated shoulder, painful habit of doing it!



26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 13th January 2003
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Yes it's just a standard Fraud Grandad 'box, nowt special other than they chopped the geartick and welded in a piece of plate to offset it forward and left.
I never had the stick out of my Tasmin that I can recall; is there a big screwed cup with a tab washer holding it in, or am I thinking of something else?


taz 24

62 posts

278 months

Monday 13th January 2003
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York, undo the 3 bolts move the stick around & it should just lift out! Nice to see your cracking on with your suspension, it's worth all the pain.


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Monday 13th January 2003
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It's very hard to see what's holding it in. Got the three obvious bolts on top removed but when you pull the lever up (about an inch) it feels attached to something.

Urmmmm, perhaps it does unscrew from the top plate.......hmmmmm, might try hitting it, seems to work with other parts of it.......

Suspension? Yep just got to finish removing the front left, paint wishbones and reassemble. Then chassis outrigger and couple of electric niggles and MOT! Still lots to do after that though!

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 13th January 2003
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I thought the 4 speeds were as Ian described, a big plastic cup that unscrews and is held in place by a tab washer


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Tuesday 14th January 2003
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Without meaning to be too much of an ignorant peasant, ooops months too late ) What would a tab washer look like if it jumped out and bit me?

Had a look in the dark and there is potentially two flats on a inverted cup like object on top of the gearlever attaching plate thingy. Hmmmm, potential here maybe's..........will have another prod in daylight.

cheers people


26,901 posts

276 months

Tuesday 14th January 2003
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A tab washer is just a washer with, er, tabs added, that can be bent up to grip the bolt you've just screwed through it. Commonly found holding brake calipers on, amongst other places. Not supposed to be re-used, but it depends how much damage you do bending the tabs down to get a grip on the bolt. In this case the inverted cup you spotted is a bloody big nut with a domed inside face; it should have a tab washer under it, with the tabs bent up to stop it unscrewing. Use a screwdriver or similar to push the tabs out of the way and unscrew the nut.



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Tuesday 14th January 2003
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Ahhhh, all becomes clear, foolish me. I belted (sorry, percussion adjusted) a few of those widgets on my brake calipers and never connected with the name, doh :-) Cheers.

Just had a quick nosey this morning b4 work and this unscrewing cup idea has potential, certainly looks like it could do. Shame about access, now I know how a vet feels!

Roll on the weekend..........
