Ride height........again..............

Ride height........again..............



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Sunday 12th January 2003
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Good evening boys and girls )
Well, I've now finished one side of my suspension swap, springs, shocks+bushes. Phew :-) I've turned her round ready for the other side (see future post) and am in quite a good position to compare ride heights.

I'm using parts from RT Racing (aka Wedge) and the car is definitely sitting noticeably lower than with original knackered parts. I'll measure bits tomorrow before I start on the other side to see what difference there is.



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Sunday 12th January 2003
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Well, the front is now sitting about 1.5 inches lower than before. Only got the front left corner to finish now, wooohooooooo, progress :-) Air tools are cool.

Question being what's the knocking noise when I turn the rear left wheel round, I hope it's not something in the diff, I'll cry if it is :-( There was a weird knocking noise on her last drive many months ago, booo hoooo :-(


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 12th January 2003
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york33 said:
Question being what's the knocking noise when I turn the rear left wheel round, I hope it's not something in the diff, I'll cry if it is :-( There was a weird knocking noise on her last drive many months ago, booo hoooo :-(

UJ's? Mine did that when they were on the way out. If it is that, change them all at the same time and fit ones with grease nipples.
Also mine would knock with the wheel in the air (car jacked up etc). Seem to recall 15 degrees on the trailing arm suspension so at that angle they would knock. I jacked the hub up then re-turned the wheel and knocking gone. Did check the UJ's though just in case.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Sunday 12th January 17:13


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Sunday 12th January 2003
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DOH, silly me not thinking of them! Thankyou, that's a more positive thought than mine :-) Lacked clear thinking as I was cold and wet. I'll have a look at them after I finish off the front suspension.

They've got grease nipples but given the condition of the rest of my poor baby they probably haven't been greased for years.........
