Wiring Schematics needed for 82 280I !!!

Wiring Schematics needed for 82 280I !!!



Original Poster:

22 posts

275 months

Saturday 11th January 2003
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I have purchased an 82 280I, car in great shape EXCEPT for the fuse box area which is GONE!...Have the Key page for the wiring, but not the actual wiring schematic.If anyone has one, or knows of a web site address where I cna find, pls let me know. I am in Cda
Also, the 5 relays/pigtails referred to as 025M052A on the Key, had 5 different automotive counter guys here shaking their head as if I had just spoke an foreign language! Anyone know where to source these 5 pin relays/pigtails here (canada)
Any help greatly appreciated


3,800 posts

290 months

Sunday 12th January 2003
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Try contacting the factory they do keep the wiring diagrams and will post you a copy if you ask nicely.



12,842 posts

269 months

Sunday 12th January 2003
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If that doesn't work then e-mail me, I'm fairly sure that I've got a copy of the factory workshop one.


782 posts

274 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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What about Steve Heaths book on Wedges - this has schematics - contact the club.


26,502 posts

269 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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Shovel71 Wednesday 22nd January
Have had a few people reference a book by "steve heath?" as a "bible" that is required reading for those with wedges....can anyone advise the name of the book so I can try to track it down...I'm in Cda so not sure if I can get here or not?

I take it you havent bought it yet!
You will find full set of schematics in it including
being able to match your chassis number with the relavent drawing.

Would scan a copy for you but wouldnt want to do Shpub out of a couple of bob in royalties!
And hes too good a source of answers to upset.
(theres loyalty for you boyo) Seriously though you need to get it.


Original Poster:

22 posts

275 months

Friday 31st January 2003
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Thanks to those that replied to my postings both for the book info, and wiring diagrams.....
Thanks to you I received the diagrams I needed to get started on the rewiring of the Tas, AND was finally able to get the website to work and have ordered Steve's book as well...looks like I will need it as I continue working on the car! Thanks again for the help....