Happy Birthday or what?

Happy Birthday or what?



Original Poster:

26,499 posts

269 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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My 44th birthday yesterday(a nice age for hobbits)
and finally
Her indoors came up trumps and bought me the best pressie ever-THE BIBLE. Well done Shpub what a great book If theres anybody out there without it then GET IT. First job on monday is to nick a box of polypockets and a ring binder from work cos its gonna see a lot of oil over the years And you lot are gonna get a load of questions to boot. So one more time GET THAT BOOK.

>>> Edited by dickymint on Friday 10th January 13:58


6,025 posts

294 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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My 44th birthday yesterday(a nice age for hobbits)
and finally
Her indoors came up trumps and bought me the best pressie ever-THE BIBLE. Well done Shpub what a great book If theres anybody out there without it then GET IT. First job on monday is to nick a box of polypockets and a ring binder from work cos its gonna see a lot of oil over the years And you lot are gonna get a load of questions to boot. So one more time GET THAT BOOK.

>>> Edited by dickymint on Friday 10th January 13:58

A belated Happy Birthday to you.

I wasnt so impressed with my wedge bible (wouldnt call it that either).. very good if you want to read about the million and one different variations of UK vs. US wedge panel variations or sprinting in a 390, fixing a roll bar etc but not exactly a replacement for haynes manual.
would have been nicer to see more details on the more common faults that drive us all mad, more details on models that more of us own.. ie the 350's 350SE's 400's, 450's and seacs.
Im not saying bin the older models or anything, but how many people who have US spec Wedges want to know about modifying a 390SE with a roll bar for sprinting ?

Perhapse Volume 2 will include a map of California especially for them ?

Still, regardless of my post, I still made my donation


Original Poster:

26,499 posts

269 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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I see your point Jas but its a good deal better than my handbook with all its pages stuck together due to being left under the seat last winter!
Can you reccommend the next addition to my library?


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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There is always a dilemma in that all the material that I would like to put into a book is never available and you have to make decisions which says that is it and go with it otherwise things will never get done. As a result I know that I will never please everyone but the aim is to help the majority of owners by providing them with the content that can help them understand and look after their cars.

Ideally, everyone would like a book that covers their model in its entirety but with the Wedges that is simply not possible and so there is always going to be information that is not relevant or a model that has something that is not covered to the depth you might like. However, as I said, it is a case of drawing a line and getting the book out there to at least capture as comprehensive a snapshot as possible.

It takes time to revise and expand this material but as it is the only book that is still in its original first edition, you can probably guess what I am currently thinking about at some point in the future.



8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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dickymint said: I see your point Jas but its a good deal better than my handbook with all its pages stuck together due to being left under the seat last winter!
Can you reccommend the next addition to my library?

Look at the Bibliography and try and get some of the Haynes manuals that I used as a reference. I pick mine up at AUtojumbles and car boot sales as many are now hard to get hold off or are going out of print. In addition the Haynes manuals are going very lightweight.

taz 24

62 posts

278 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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Steve, very diplomatic of you, I would have told him b*ll***s & asked if he could write a better book. It's got me out of plenty of trouble.


6,025 posts

294 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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taz 24 said: Steve, very diplomatic of you, I would have told him b*ll***s & asked if he could write a better book. It's got me out of plenty of trouble.

Wha tdoes Steve Care ? I still parted with my Cash .. he got his royalties ...

remember ...
the customer is alwasy right
the customer is always right

>> Edited by jvaughan on Friday 10th January 19:55


6,025 posts

294 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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shpub said: There is always a dilemma in that all the material that I would like to put into a book is never available and you have to make decisions which says that is it and go with it otherwise things will never get done. As a result I know that I will never please everyone but the aim is to help the majority of owners by providing them with the content that can help them understand and look after their cars.

Ideally, everyone would like a book that covers their model in its entirety but with the Wedges that is simply not possible and so there is always going to be information that is not relevant or a model that has something that is not covered to the depth you might like. However, as I said, it is a case of drawing a line and getting the book out there to at least capture as comprehensive a snapshot as possible.

It takes time to revise and expand this material but as it is the only book that is still in its original first edition, you can probably guess what I am currently thinking about at some point in the future.


I know steve .. probably a bit harsh, I know you had literally hundreds of articles and bits of paper to wade through. (The Paper Quality was good too )

Still it always makes good toilet reading (I read all my technical books there, its the most peaceful). I cannot say It hasnt helped me in the past, it has.

Might I suggest though for Volume 2 you take 18 months off, buy a caravan in Dorset, and get a complete archive of all the TVR lists, this time concentrating on the wedge problems like stuck thingies, and corroded whatsits, and how to tell a french ports operative that you car is "NEGATIVE" earth, and to please donot put the red jump cable on the black terminal again as the re-enactment of Agencourt under the bonnet wasnt funny