Electric mirrors on 350i

Electric mirrors on 350i



Original Poster:

377 posts

271 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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Anyone know where I can get replacement internals for the mirrors on my 1986 350i mk11. TVR stopped supplying them 4 yrs ago. Or does anyone know of any other motors hich cn be adapted to fit?

>>> Edited by njhucker on Friday 10th January 00:03

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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My '85 series 1 350 has Sierra internals


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 10th January 2003
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Obscure Rover SD1 (Britax). Easy to find a 420 SEAC with just delivery mileage though...


26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 13th January 2003
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My '87 390SE has some French things fitted: the method of operation, and the dashboard controls are the same as Ford Granada of the time. Also my bro had a SAAB 9000; the wiring was identical down to the colours used. The 'motors' may be as used by Citroen et al, perhaps?
I did send an article on the mirrors to Wedgepages but I think Mike B. must still be busy with this new house....


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 13th January 2003
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There are some SD1 electric mirrors for sale on PH, under competition parts


2,869 posts

293 months

Thursday 16th January 2003
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I may be busy but I am still watching you boyo! ;-)

I have your article and it is still high on my urgent things to do list (along with sorting out the classifieds!!).




26,901 posts

276 months

Saturday 18th January 2003
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Hi Mike:

I have a revised drawing to go with the mirrors piece; don't publish yet, I'll send you it....

Hope things is hanging ok....



2,869 posts

293 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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Hi Wedg1e,

They is hanging just fine!. Have made a start updating the site and I am now back on the case (until the missus decides on my next painting project).

Send that article over and I will put it through the website making machine I pinched from work

How about sending me over some new pics of that motor of yours?.




36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 21st January 2003
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I had my old cars ones apart. Bit of a pain but had access to bench power supplies to play and got it working. The one in question contained one motor for both axis adjustment through a clutch and solenoid. A detent spring on a ratchet was slack. Tightened up and OK. Recently I enquired along the same lines for my currant car on here and after several good replies I decided to push it into position. No access to a power supply anymore to play and too cheap to buy one (power supply)
It is something I will do but not on the top of the list.

PS the clutch/solenoid bit was dirty which also affected things as it tried to throw the clutch to an axis movement.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Tuesday 21st January 22:55