plenum chamber leak?

plenum chamber leak?



Original Poster:

115 posts

270 months

Thursday 9th January 2003
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how is the chamber sealed, is it a gasket or hylomar, is there any that could prove tricky, it looks straight foward, but i have been down that road many times!!

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 9th January 2003
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No gasket or sealant - just a good mechanical fit. You can check for leaks by spraying wd40.


2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Thursday 9th January 2003
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Most use a sealant, silicone is OK, they did come out of the factory without, but advisable to apply some as you get about 27 inches of vacuum in there ( which is not far of complete vacuum)