Rear calliper removal, 350i...

Rear calliper removal, 350i...



Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Tuesday 7th January 2003
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Plan to rebuild rear callipers on 350i. I see access to some bolts etc is limited. Anyone tried cutting an access panel, or is this not a good idea?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 8th January 2003
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I have removed mine on a pre A fram without any problems - not cutting required


1,844 posts

278 months

Wednesday 8th January 2003
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I overhauled the rear calipers, including the handbrake calipers about two years ago, and it was a bit of a b'stard. Having just dropped out the entire axle to do some other work i wish i had done this then. It takes about two hours to get the whole axle assy out in one piece on a trolley jack and gives superb access to everything. I am assuming you have an A-frame rear end.


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 8th January 2003
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Access panel doesn't really help. The problem is undoing bolts one flat at a time and wiring them up again.

You will need to remove the handbrake part off the calliper in situ to get it through the chassis though.

Using the techniques in the Wedge bible I recon it is about an hour os so to get them off and a couple to put back. Can take longer if bits don't co-operate. Excludes brake bleeding time.
