400/450 SE chin/bib spoiler

400/450 SE chin/bib spoiler


shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Sunday 5th January 2003
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Fellow TVRheads:

The previous owner of my 450 SE hit a badger, and broke the black chin spoiler/bib spoiler on the car. I am trying to locate a replacement. Any help would be most appreciated.




681 posts

273 months

Sunday 5th January 2003
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Try T.E.T. Mouldings (access through wedge pages website) as they carry body panels for the wedge cars.


6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 6th January 2003
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ahh these babies are like hens teath!

peninsula were going to take a copy of mine when it was off last as they couldnt get hold of any. Good Luck with TET

shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Monday 6th January 2003
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Hey Guys

Thanks for the leads on TET. Trevor Bee, owner of TET, contacted me today indicating that he does not manufacture or can get this spoiler, but is more associated with larger body panels and spoilers. However, a quick phone call to David Gerald, resulted in a score; associate Doug Ellwood quickly located the part. He has a used one for 35 quid, but didn't know if it fit a 400/450 SE. Ordered a new one at 92 quid (VAT not included), not sure if that's a bit high or not, but ordered one to be safe. Incidentally, Gerald also has replacement ashtrays. The little plastic trim pieces seemed to be cracked on most big Wedges I've seen. He sells the whole ashtray with trim piece and sliding door for 14 quid (VAT not included). So it looks like they may be a decent source for those TVR particlular parts. Thanks for all the help.



6,025 posts

294 months

Tuesday 7th January 2003
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shawn ford said: Hey Guys

Incidentally, Gerald also has replacement ashtrays. The little plastic trim pieces seemed to be cracked on most big Wedges I've seen. He sells the whole ashtray with trim piece and sliding door for 14 quid (VAT not included).


Just ordered my new ashtray .. im all excited .. £14 plus vat ooo

does he ?? Brilliant ..... you dont know how long i have been looking for an ashtrap for my 400.. yes the plastic trim cracked on the old one

>> Edited by jvaughan on Wednesday 8th January 16:34