Carpet advice please Comrades ! 400se

Carpet advice please Comrades ! 400se


nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,363 posts

291 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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Hi all. I’ll be having a new stainless exhaust fitted in the next few weeks and have decided that the next job after that will be new carpets. Not sure if I should have a go myself or not. Has anyone here had a go ? If I go the easy route anyone have any prices or recommendations as to where to go ? I’m in Sheffield.

Ta !!


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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Seeing as how my front foot well is a padded mat, same passenger side and when I had the seat out to re-inforce the seat mounts to body bit and it was all flat. No curvy bits to go around, I would have a go myself....or is there more to it?