starter button

starter button



Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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We still have a problem with starting the Tasmin....
When the engine is cold and when it cuts out and you start it immediately there is no problem. But when you stop somewhere for about 10 minutes (at the gassing station) it fails completely. It begins with a click, but after some tries even the click is gone.
Last week we ran aground and had some help from someone who has a brandnew BMW 7th serie, which has a battery of 70 Ampere. The Tasmin has a battery of 45 (or is it 35?) Ampere. And even then it didn't start immediately.

So we tested the electrical system and found out that the contact has quite a lot resistance. Could a starter button be the solution? If yes, could anyone please explain how to connect this button?

>>> Edited by Cathelijne on Saturday 4th January 18:33


26,901 posts

276 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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I seem to remember that on my Tasmin, the starter key switch operated a relay, that in turn powered the solenoid on the starter motor. It shouldn't take a lot of current to power the relay, so the high resisitance (unless it's really high) should not matter. If you could find the starter relay, you could try giving it a 12V feed directly to see whether it starts OK. If it does, that would suggest the switch IS faulty. I'd say it's more likely that the starter solenoid on the motor itself is the problem, especially if it packs up when hot as you say.
To install a starter push button wouldn't be too difficult: basically you just need to parallel the contacts in the ignition switch. A better way to do it would involve a relay and sensing the alternator lamp, so that you can not accidentally engage the starter when the engine is running.



Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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We changed the starter solenoid a few weeks ago, but there is no difference.


35 posts

269 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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My 280i had the same habit of not starting after a ride and a short stop. The connectors on the back of the starter relay were a bit loose so if the car was hot it wouldn't start. Soldering the wires directly to the relay solved the problem.


Original Poster:

170 posts

279 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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So we tested the electrical system and found out that the contact has quite a lot resistance. Could a starter button be the solution? If yes, could anyone please explain how to connect this button?

The starter button is installed. It's connected between the solenoid of the starter motor and the plus of the battery. It's also possible to start it the regular way (with the contact).

The problem seems to be solved.

>> Edited by Cathelijne on Wednesday 29th January 18:28