Back to work and its gonna be cold

Back to work and its gonna be cold



Original Poster:

26,499 posts

269 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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Back to work on Monday Bought a small fan heater to de-ice the beast whilst i have a cup of tea. Problem is running extension lead across the road and the added hassle of doing it. Its struck me that my answer would be to fit a small generator in the boot. A bit drastic i know but ive seen them small enough but at a cost of 500 quid. Anybody been down this route?


166 posts

294 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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no i do the same
, just leave a fan heater on the shelf for five minutes and the car is de iced and toastie warm, ive got an outside plug which helps.


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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Try this
Search for heaters and a ceramic in car heater appears. Don't know how good it is though. Tried to post the full link but it seemed a tad long.
Geny a boot? Seems a bit drastic, how about a small portable one and chain it to the wheel (they get nicked)


6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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saw this on ebay,Eberspacher D1LC forced air cab heater,12v
Item # 3104886003
dont know if its any good to you, just trying to help


jeff m

4,061 posts

269 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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Ceramic heaters work well.
But I think a remote start is what you want.
Open the front door, point hand at car, press button, back inside to finish cup of tea.
Just make sure it is installed properly, there have been instances of the 12v being taken from less than ideal places!


Original Poster:

26,499 posts

269 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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Tried ceramic heater but not up to the job. Used to run car for ten minutes before setting off but at 6 in the morning the natives get restless. Geny outside car again too noisy.
Looked at your link Jeff for ceramic heater-one think that took my eye on front page is a cigar lighter plug in 12vdc to 240vac adapter which claims to run ordinary 240v appliances!!! is this possible i ask? Have they finally invented perpetual motion? surely E=MC sqared? spare battery in boot and fan on back shelf excellent. Can somebody out there tell me what sort of heat i would get from this?


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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Inverters are OK but it depends what load you are drawing. You need to do the sums on what the inverter will supply and what the kit needs. I woukd be suprised if it will run a heater then leave you enough to start the car. might be wrong though.


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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Just read the blurb and it says max op 60 watts, How much is your heater? 1.5kw?


Original Poster:

26,499 posts

269 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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Cheers Jeff,
Had a look around caravan and boat sites and found several invertors ranging up to 2000 watt output.
One that seems reasonable to me is made by Amps at 600 watt for 120 quid but i cant find/work out how long a seperate 700amp battery would last before having to recharge it. Maybe i would have to upgrade the alternator if i wanted to wire it into car electrical system? Any thoughts?


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 4th January 2003
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You can have two batteries in a car then have a manegment system that keeps both charged. One battery for your heater and one for the car. Only problem is proper recharging times. If the second batt puts out a lot of energy to power the heater then not enough time to fully recharge it will flatten over a couple of day's.
We used to use it in work on vehicles packed with electronics and there wasn't any chance of mains.
Also space and weight and fuses required will probably make it a bridge too far. The kit we used would be too expensive for your uses but we only used one make so there might be others.

On another note, whats the road like that you have to run a cable accross and why not park the other side?


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 6th January 2003
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If you really want to do this, the easiest way is a battery, inverter and a bag. Carry the battery out each morning to run the inverter. Re-charge at night?


4,272 posts

274 months

Monday 6th January 2003
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If you just want to de-ice the windows then use luke warm (not boiling!) water. Much quicker than using a scraper and it has the advantage of getting some heat into the glass which helps demisting.
Never had any problems with glass shattering - yet


12,697 posts

291 months

Monday 6th January 2003
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dickymint said: Cheers Jeff,
Had a look around caravan and boat sites and found several invertors ranging up to 2000 watt output.
One that seems reasonable to me is made by Amps at 600 watt for 120 quid but i cant find/work out how long a seperate 700amp battery would last before having to recharge it. Maybe i would have to upgrade the alternator if i wanted to wire it into car electrical system? Any thoughts?

By my reckoning using V=I/R then I reckon about 5.5 - 6 minutes would flatten the battery

Other than park the other side of the road the only suggestion I can make is 'put the car in a garage' somehow. If you don't have one try to rent one locally.


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 6th January 2003
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Yep, thats the problem with inverters and batteries.


Original Poster:

26,499 posts

269 months

Monday 6th January 2003
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ok ok i get the picture. seemed a good idea at the time! I was right about it being cold though
Got up extra early dragged extension out of window,over road and into fan heater on parcel shelf, back in for cup of tea. 20 mins later car warm as toast for about 2 miles then ice cold again. Definately worth the effort though. Tommorrow will do the same but sod the neighbours i'm gonna leave engine running as well!!


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 6th January 2003
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stainless_steve said: saw this on ebay,Eberspacher D1LC forced air cab heater,12v
Item # 3104886003
dont know if its any good to you, just trying to help


Goog heaters them. They do petrol and diesel, latter one we have on the vans. You can get timers for them as well.