280 crossmember?

280 crossmember?



Original Poster:

3,426 posts

267 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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Hi, could anyone tell me what crossmember a 280 uses? i'm right in thinking the engine is a ford capri 2.8 v6? so did tvr use the capri crossmember or one of there own jobbies?



3,800 posts

290 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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Uumm it doesnt. There is no detachable crossmember, its part of the Chassis and is bl##dy big chunk of section section tube.



Original Poster:

3,426 posts

267 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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hi matt, thanks for the reply, i take it that they use custom engine mounts too?

the reason i ask is i've got a janspeed turbo kit for a 2.8 capri laying round and i was wondering about the possibility of fitting it to a 280 it was originaly bound for a sierra but the external wastegate wouldn't clear the engine mount/crossmember - hence my question...


3,800 posts

290 months

Tuesday 7th January 2003
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Why don't you pop along to our TVR owners club meeting in Northants ? This Sunday Lunch Braefield on the green, there are a couple of 280's who regularly show up. I'm sure with very little persuasion you'll be able to stick your head under the bonnet.
Sorry I can't be more help but my wedge is V8 flavoured



30 posts

294 months

Wednesday 8th January 2003
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I suspect the 200 and 280 are similar. The 200 uses modified cortina engine mount brackets and cortina engine mount rubbers on to the chassis brackets.