Prospective owner's request for info...

Prospective owner's request for info...



Original Poster:

300 posts

277 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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I sold my Chim400 back in October to release some funds, but I can't live without my V8 roar or that feeling in the small of your back when you put your foot down .
So I'm considering getting a wedge and have seen some nice 400SE's advertised at prices that don't seem too unreasonable but are still much less than the cheapest Chim.
What specific faults should I be looking for? Will it be as reliable as my Chim was? Will it cost much more/less to run?


3,800 posts

290 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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Best thing to do is get yourself along your local TVR club meeting and chat to owners there. If your're reasonably close to Northants come along (Sunday the 12th) and I'll happily talk you through.

If not check for: outrigger rust, headlamps popping up/down, clonks from suspension over bumps. Ask when balljoints, UJs and wheelbearings where last replaced.
The heating /demisting is cr#p on all of them but best on the 400's, the brakes are't much cop again 400's had the best and most leak water into the cabin.
They all sound brilliant (no cat and 1 silencer) and are generally pretty cheap to run / fix.

Best of luck


14,949 posts

281 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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I made exactly the same change (Chim - wedge)
Got a nice 400se.
If you are anywhere near Matlock, I'd be happy to go through the "things to look out for" in detail over a pint. I can offer a run out in the beast too if you like.
Otherwise it's pretty much as the previous post said. Check everything! But if you get a good one you'll love it. REALLY LOVE IT!

Andy 400se

ric p

625 posts

280 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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Doing exactly the same thing - the Chimp goes for a 400SE Wedge. Having previously owned a 350i, I know that it will feel a little less well put together and possibly slower, not handle as well as the Chimp but they do sound awesome.
I've seen a few and all the usual TVR points apply ie chassis, carpets for leaks etc and the feel for a looked-after car although overall the average standard of cars is better than some of the Chimaeras that I looked at 4 years ago. Perhaps Wedges are owned by real enthuiasts rather that just those looking to replace the GTI. The other appeal is that the newer cars are now not a diy propersition whilst a Wedge still is.
Anyway happy hunting.


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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Echo the above comments and if you are like me, in that I have no idea on the engine, get that checked as well.


Original Poster:

300 posts

277 months

Tuesday 7th January 2003
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Cheers for comments - I'll let you know how it goes.



122 posts

283 months

Tuesday 7th January 2003
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Hi Gerrard
Have a look at the Wedge classified page you may find what your looking for, also my V8 Developments 460i is on there. If you read the text you will see all the areas you need to check when buying a wedge, as I just about replaced everything in those areas.
P.S. I tried e-mailing you via the link on your home page, its getting returned unknown