1987/350i fuel pressure

1987/350i fuel pressure



Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Wednesday 1st January 2003
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can anyone tell me want the fuel pressure should be between the pump and the injecter rail and the return from the regulater to the fuel tank,




80 posts

278 months

Thursday 2nd January 2003
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The pressure should be measured to around 36psi(2.5bar) in the fuel rail. The return line to tank is NOT under pressure. i use an adjustable regulator and 2.8bar .


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 2nd January 2003
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Hmmm... the fool pressure regumalator on my 390 is the original Rover bit, and that is actually adjustable. I found that even a slight tweak was enough to kill the engine altogether, and then resetting it to run was a prat on. It didn't actually seem as though the pressure in the fuel rail varied by much (I had a gauge on the cold start injector outlet from the rail), yet the difference it made to the running was remarkable.
I think the aftermarket units are 'rising-rate' as well as adjustable...?

In Leicester for one more night.... ;-)


80 posts

278 months

Thursday 2nd January 2003
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Well if you rise the pressure from 2.5 to 2.7 bar then you must adjust the CO and engine speed at tickover. I suspect that the 2.75 bar recommendation on a standard vitesse engine is spot on for track use, open roads etc. But your clothes will of course start smelling..

>> Edited by tvr350i on Thursday 2nd January 16:55


Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Thursday 2nd January 2003
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the fuel pump pressure is good at 7 bar and from the fuel rail i have 2 bar which is lower the what you guys are running at, so this could be the reason i get some hesitation under fall load or over 4.5 rpm

thanks for the replys


2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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I agree that adjustable fuel pressure regulators are a good idea on 350s, we have seen a BHP increase, but should really be set on a rolling road to get full benefit. I agree with comments so far..


Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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does anyone know the part number off fse (rising-rate)adjustble fuel regulator for a 350i 1987 wedge


2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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tcpc said: does anyone know the part number off fse (rising-rate)adjustble fuel regulator for a 350i 1987 wedge


Don't know the part number, but if you want to buy one Mark Adams stocks them 01694 720144 or if he can't help RPI 01603 891209. V8 developments 01775 750000.


Original Poster:

166 posts

269 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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thanks 2 sheds i will give one off them a ring
