Weatherproof Hood Cover

Weatherproof Hood Cover



Original Poster:

2,190 posts

278 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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I'm considering buying a Leven Technologies hood cover as my 350i may have to sit this winter outside if I put a more vulnerable car into my garage.
Does anyone have experience of using the cover, is it worth the £150?
Any second hand ones out there?



36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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Not an owner of one but I have seen two in operation. They look well made and well thought out for fitting. If I needed one I would consider them well.
Have a look on here
under product tests.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Tuesday 31st December 20:55


583 posts

272 months

Wednesday 1st January 2003
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I have been using a leven hood cover on my 350se for nearly a year now. Highly recommended.Its well designed and made. Not only does it keep the car interior dry, it also protects the hood from allsorts of crud. If you use it regularly it takes the shape of the car hood and you don't need to fix it in the boot or under the bonnet. Best £150 I've spent and I have had a few comments that car must be garaged, even though it lives on my drive 24/7.