Insurance quote blues

Insurance quote blues



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Monday 30th December 2002
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A month ago, quoted me 700 quid for a 350i, and I got all excited, started looking around to see what was available, joined the TVR Car Club, and finally convinced the wife.
Then today, the buggers quote me 1500 quid, and that's the cheapest I can find anywhere.
The TVR Club insurer (Hamings?) won't even quote me, because I don't have a garage.
If I can't halve that quote, then that's the end of the TVR dream. Does anyone know where i might get a better quote, or why quoteline have suddenly more than doubled the premium?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 30th December 2002
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Try Norton on 0121 246 505 & Lancaster on 01480 484848



21,562 posts

295 months

Monday 30th December 2002
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Classicline are very reasonable... I don't have
their number here but it should be in 'Sprint'.


989 posts

273 months

Monday 30th December 2002
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Or try Directline. £550 for an ungaraged 280i for a 24year old, not bad I thought :-)


1,493 posts

274 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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Norwich Union Direct - £420 fully comp, 15000 miles/yr, Worcestershire, age 39, full no claims, no previous performance car experience required. Best deal I could find after ringing round the so called specialists.



36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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Sunninghill here. Also if you go for a limited milage it cuts it down a lot/bit depending on insurer

>> Edited by jmorgan on Tuesday 31st December 02:02


3,800 posts

290 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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Bung it on a classic policy, mine went from 650 quid to just under 300, only drawback is that it has to be garaged.



96 posts

267 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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Direct Line, seem sensible about all performance cars. 390SE £620 for 37yo no garage, including business use


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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Thanks all.
I tried Norwich Union - 1900 quid! I have two years no claims (only had my own insurance that long, though I've been driving 6 years), no claims, no convictions, no garage. I need 10,000 miles, commuting -no business travel - only driver.
I think my problem is that I live in North Manchester.
I will try the others mentioned here. I am surprised to see Direct Line get two mentions (they quoted me 800 quid for my Yaris!), so I'll give them a try.
I think I've decided I'm going to go for it, even if I do have to pay 1400 quid. I've wanted a TVR since I was eight, and I ecided n a wedge a year ago, and have been trying to convince the wife ever since. Now I've suceeded with that, there's no way I can miss the chance!


166 posts

294 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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try privilege, ive been insuring my 350 with them for the last 5 years and im 27 now, 476 fully comp protected no claims, unlimited milage only draw back is my excess is £600, if my excess was £250 the insurance would be about £700, and they only wanted just under £20 a year to have a 4.6 litre engine.
good luck.


26,499 posts

269 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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Get yerself a garage your too close to the bin dippers in Liverpool!!


13 posts

271 months

Thursday 2nd January 2003
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I have now finally got my funds together for my first tiv , have just been quoted £834 fully comp on a chimp by Tesco, and I'm only 24. I know it's not a wedge but on this basis give them a try.


2,901 posts

279 months

Wednesday 8th January 2003
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I've just been getting renewal quotes for my S and these have been ranging from £1018 to £1911 (AA). The prices are quite high because I need unlimited mileage and business use, and I only have 2 years NCD. However, the point of this ramble is that I got quoted £829 by Cheam (020 8770 1001), although this is with a £500 excess (this would probably be lower with less taxing requirements).

Some other companies you could try who claim to be more performance car and/or TVR oriented are:

Adrian Flux - 08700 777888
A-One Insurance - 0800 279 1920
Auto Torque - 0161 278 5226
Jewell Insurance - 01622 693003
Sunninghill - 01276 486086
TL Clowes - 0207 392 1800

Good luck!


421 posts

274 months

Sunday 12th January 2003
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After writing off my Yank classic last April. (Not my fault! Woman failed to cancel indicator, and I pulled out!), I had horrible quotes for anything TVRish. Then I found From the information I gleaned from that site, I approached A.Manning, who took on my S.2 that I had then, on classic car insurance with an agreed value, for less than £200! You do have to be a TVR Car Club member though, and they are interested in the types of car that you have experience in driving. So if you have only driven old Polos or Fiat 126's, I wouldn't bother.
I now have an '87 350i. No increase in charge, just an admin fee to swap over.
Totally satisfied with A.Manning. I will re-insure with then again in June!


Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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Thanks RichardR! Adrian Flux just quoted me 850, which is 110 better than the next (Budget!). I've decided to go for the car, bite the bullet and cough up the better part of a grand for insurance. I kind of justify it in that its actually only twice what I currently pay for a Toyota Yaris 1.0 GL.
As far as Mannings goes, they would not even give me a quote because I live in Manchester and don't have a garage. I guess the way the cheaper companies keep the prices down is by only accepting minimal risks, and an 'M' postcode with no garage is a total turn-off for many insurers on this type of car.
Anyway, it's a happy enough ending. I've got two or three cars to look at over the coming couple of weeks, and I've got a really good feeling about one in particular. So I might be rolling up at the next TVR Car Club meeting without feeling too out of place!


26,901 posts

276 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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From discussions I've had with insurance companies, it's not the theft risk that concerns them. The one advantage that the Wedges have now is that they are either 'classics' or 'future classics' and tend to be owned by more mature guys (gals?) with a bit of good history. Thing is, most TVR claims are probably one-vehicle mishaps, but the cost of getting new chunks of GRP from the factory and then having them properly fitted is about the same regardless of which model TVR you have. You'll probably find they insist on a Thatcham-approved immobiliser (if the car you're buying has one, make sure you get the fitting cert or they'll ask you to have a new unit installed).



2,901 posts

279 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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plewis66 said: Thanks RichardR!

Glad I was able to help!


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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wedg1e said:You'll probably find they insist on a Thatcham-approved immobiliser (if the car you're buying has one, make sure you get the fitting cert or they'll ask you to have a new unit installed).


My latest insurerer (erk sp) took my word for the thatcham bit. But they said any claims where they find one isn't fitted and they will have a serious talk with me. One worry is if it aint found how do they know one was fitted?