it lives again also...

it lives again also...



Original Poster:

1,820 posts

272 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
quotequote all
After one month got the oil pressure back. YES!!!

First time I had to prime the engine.
Only thing done:
Take distributor out, and use a drill to rotate the pump.
Again this website has proven to be a great help, otherwise I probably would have taken the oilpump apart as described in Haynes, etc.

It is still obscure to me how the air could get into the pump. It was parked at an angle for less than two weeks, but nothing compared to a hillside for example.

Set the ignition timing (also a first time, no problems encountered), and went for a spin.
What a spin! Roof down of course, and getting again those nearly forgotten looks of pedestrians (I live in rainy Belgium): he must be mad. And yes he is mad!

Best wishes to all of you, and thanks for your indirect help over the last month.

Regards, Rob