It Lives !

It Lives !



Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Saturday 28th December 2002
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Finally started my 400 today after about 6 months work on chassis and fuel system, I had forgotten just how good it sounds! I was a bit worried about the oil pressure but it was fine and only took 10 seconds to fire up, just a couple of things, having only put 5 litres of Optimax in the fuel gauge is not registering i'm guessing there is not enough fuel in the tanks or could it be stuck after such a lay up?

Also having decided to go with Optimax now instead of my Millers VSP plus the car dont like idling too much when warmed up , in fact it keeps going to cut out unless i blip the throttle, yet it dosn't miss a beat at higher revs, anyone else encountered this problem? is it something other than just getting the car on the rollers and finally adjusting it to unleaded fuel?
Any ideas appreciated.


Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Saturday 28th December 2002
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Glad to hear your "other half" is alive and well! The lack of fuel indication is not unusual with only a couple of gallons, both my 400 and 350 used to indicate empty with a quarter of a tank left. Obviously worth checking connections etc and filling up just to make sure as soon as poss!

Not sure about the idle, might be worth checking/cleaning the stepper motor and cold start injector (if it has one) - I've never noticed a significant difference between Optimax and LRP, and I have used Millers nyself in the past - again with no obvious difference. What has been done to the fuel system??

Whatever the problem is - look on the bright side, I'm grounded with a broken leg for a few weeks! (anyone know a good criminal injuries lawyer in the South West ???)


Original Poster:

1,196 posts

274 months

Saturday 28th December 2002
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Sorry to here about the leg!

I have replaced all the hoses for high pressure stainless braided ones, had a new swirl pot made in polished Aluminium, fixed a Systec Motorsport pre-pump filter , new fuel pump and a new Systec Motorsport main filter and painted the tanks up.Just the new tank straps to finish now, i got some stainless ones thanks to Stainless Steve!so thats why i dont really want to fill it up yet.

Having the Airflow meter rebuilt next so then its a trip to the rollers which i guess will determine the idling problem, I was just so relieved it started, and no leaks!


>> Edited by ANDYM on Saturday 28th December 21:59


6,034 posts

269 months

Monday 30th December 2002
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Glad to hear shes alive Andy,now stop playing with the engine and get the straps fitted.

ps. the bloke still hasnt rung me over viewing the seac