Wedge suspension again...........

Wedge suspension again...........



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Saturday 28th December 2002
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Evening, merry yule, happy new year and things like that!

Anyways, to those of you who've recently finished overhauling your Wedge suspension, not looking at anyone in particular, ahem :-)

What is something going by the name of compliance bush kit? Contains 8 big washer things and a few rubbery bits. Current thinking is they might go on the front tie rod thing between chassis, attached to roll bar then to the bottom wishbone. It seems to be the only bit I haven't accounted for with my bag of bushes.

My difficulty being the originals that I'm guessing should be here have long since parted company with the car so is hard to compare! Either fallen off or taken off by the previous owner(s).........

I need a hydraulic press, the remnants of the old bushes came out but these new ones aren't worn enough )


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Saturday 28th December 2002
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I can scan you the drawing out of the the Cortina manual if you mail be directly



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Saturday 28th December 2002
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Is that where it all comes from then?! Email coming soon. I found a Ford logo when I took a (wire brush equipped) angle grinder to the wishbones, thought it was TVR invention until then. Thought a coat of paint would benefit them before re-attaching.

Now all that remains is to put the new bushes in and stop my face bleeding and extract the stray wires from the wire brush. Note to others, always wear goggles when using these devices or you'll end up blinded.


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 28th December 2002
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Donut shaped?


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Saturday 28th December 2002
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Urmmm, kind of! 4x thick washery things, 4x thin washery things amd 4 quite thin purple poly bushes.

Kind of donut shaped I thinks...................


8,507 posts

283 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
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Sound like the front tie rod bushes to me.


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
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I'm thinking they shall be going there shortly. After I've put in the, OW, horrible, OW, nasty, OW, poly bushes, OWWWWWW :-)

cheers and let battle commence................


26,901 posts

276 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
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When I renewed the tie-rod bushes on the Tasmin, I just got the bits from Ford. Had to grind some flats on a couple of the big steel washers owing to Oliver's daft idea of tucking them into a corner of the chassis that they didn't really fit (the originals had been doctored in the same way).
The rubbers were two different colours: something to do with them being different compliances of material. They had to be assembled in a certain order, which I assume will in effect be the reverse on your car if it has the tie-rods fitted the 'correct' way around, as opposed to the way the earlier cars had them.
Of course the poly bush makers may just have used one type of rubber and said nowt....



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
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Ahh, well thanks to all and to Danny for the diagram. Positive ID made for the tie rod bushes!

Rain stopped play today so brought my wishbones inside and have now put 3 bushes in!!! WOW! Or did I mean OW! Thought I'd paint them whilst I'm at it, hmmm, Hammerite painting inside is a bad plan! Oh well, too late now and they do look very nice :-)

I'll no doubt return with the next installment at some point...........


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Tuesday 31st December 2002
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Guess what I found instead of a poly bushes or indeed any bushes on the end of the tie rod? Expanding foam!!!! No really, expanding foam!!!!!

Awww, I don't wanna take my freshly painted wishbones outside, they look so nice :-)

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 1st January 2003
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Who did you buy the car off? That has got to be one of the "better bodges"!

Maybe we should start a new thread?


12,838 posts

269 months

Wednesday 1st January 2003
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Yeh, we could really expand on this one.


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Thursday 2nd January 2003
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It did amuse me to find it )

Was a private sale. I did buy her knowing that many things were in poor (ahem) condition and the price paid reflected it. She even pi$$ed water all over my feet during the test drive. I only drove her a little way as I wasn't exactly insured, in passenger seat and the heater valve went splurge, technically speaking! Would have damaged the carpets but there isn't any.

Just waiting for my cow samples to arrive to decide on a colour, blue of some shade or other........

Is amusing me at the minute, turned lights on, both went on and up, turned off and one stayed up, looks like she's winking at me ) Suppose I'll have to fix that too.

Oh well, all good fun isn't it. I'm sure I'll find a few more amusing bodges by the time I'm finished, hmmmmm..........