leaky wedge ...

leaky wedge ...



Original Poster:

6,025 posts

294 months

Friday 27th December 2002
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well, the wedge is back on the road and sounds / goes absolutly luvverly (still intend to order an ACT Plenum & Trumpets at some point)... only problem now is a few leaks and new carpets (leaks to be sorted first!!).

Anyone here sorted their leaks out ... can point me in the general direction of those stubborn hard to find leaks ?
The windscreen is the easiest to sort and as soon as I get a dremel tool, I will be removing all that nasty leaky rubber compound and replacing it with nice new rubbery sh1t.
The window and hoop seals are on my new years order form soon to be sent to Peninsula.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 27th December 2002
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Check around all the holes in the bulkhead. I managed to get my old 280i FHC pretty water tight, but it took a while.

I haven't bothered with the 350 as I generally only use it when the hood is down!


36,010 posts

295 months