

Original Poster:

166 posts

294 months

Thursday 26th December 2002
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hi again, can any body help me with some pics of the power steering pump setup, i have managed to fit a mk iv or v cortina rack by lifting it about 6mm to clear the cross member ( this appears to work, soon see if i get a pump fitted), now all i need to do is fit the pump, if i use a standard pump (rover) with the standard bracket the pumps pulley fouls the steering rack slightly, can anyone help please? was a ford pump used? or the rover with the integral resevoir.


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 26th December 2002
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My car has a Ford rack with a BL pump, possibly ex-Rover. I have a spare ex-Montego pump that has a shorter filler neck than the one on my 390SE, but which looks otherwise identical. However the mounting bracket on the TVR looks like it was cobbled together by TVR from a BL bit plus some thick sheet etc., it's not pretty! The pump pulley isn't too huge. The pump sits about level with the nearside cylinder head.

Any help?


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 26th December 2002
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Doesn't lifting the rack affect the geometry?


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 27th December 2002
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danny hoffman said: Doesn't lifting the rack affect the geometry?

Yes big time. Induces all sorts of bump steer because the track rods are not parallel. So as the suspension moves it dynamically changes the toe out/in.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 27th December 2002
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The reason why the rack fouls the pulley is because the rack has been lifted. There is not much space there at the best of times. The mounting bracket for the pump is a TVR special so you will need to make one up.



Original Poster:

166 posts

294 months

Friday 27th December 2002
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thanks, yes i was a bit worried about changing the geometry but my girlfriends house is a terrace and nearly impossible to park with manual, ill try it and if it doesnt work swap it back. I see what you mean about the modified bracket i found som pictures of an f reg wedge with power steering and the pump is located right at the front high up running of another pulley in front of and the same size as the water pump pulley ( dont know what this will do to the speed of the pump) i may have to try this. thanks again.


270 posts

278 months

Sunday 29th December 2002
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On the RHD wedges I think TVR used several brackets for the power steering pump. On later cars they mostly used the standard SD1 brackets on the original fixing points.But I have also seen brackets made by TVR using parts of the Rover brackets. By this latest configuration the pump sits high on the distributor side of the engine. But this bracket is more commonly used on LHD cars. In most of the cars I have seen TVR used the rover pump.
If you want pictures I can send you some.

TVR greetings
