350 2+2



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5,814 posts

283 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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I'm considering the idea of replacing mu jap runabout with something far more interesting, and with a V8 engine - as a Cerbera is out of reach for now, the Wedge seems an idea..

How many of the 2+2 3.5s were made, and how do they rate for family trasnport?




12,838 posts

269 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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Hardly any were made. I had a 350i coupe; they're better at high speed (top end and acceleration) and the wind noise is less. Rear leg room is virtually non existant unless the driver/front seat passenger is very short and the rear window is a lot to de-frost/de-mist. There was air conditioning though.


989 posts

273 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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About 6 350i 2+2 were made, give or take one or two depending what you read. Good luck in finding one. I've got a 280i 2+2 and unless you have a family of rabbits :-) or young kids I would say it's not really an option :-(


11,352 posts

275 months

Monday 23rd December 2002
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2+2 heaven
the only 350 i know of is ralph dodds (EX editor Sprint) he bought it for some cash and then many hours of hard graft
Daves 280 and mine are the Yorkshire exmples of the 47 or so that were built inthe Ford engine
young kids great, beyond that (say 5 0r 6) its time for a cerby


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5,814 posts

283 months

Monday 23rd December 2002
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One of mine is currently sub-rabbit size (as it's not popped yet), the other is coming up to one, so even minute back seats would be enough.

My plan is to use a 2+2 wedge for a few years, then buy a Cerby to replace it after that. Fancied a V8 though, as I already have a V6 S3, but it there are less than 10 in existence, perhaps not...

Might have a look at a few 280i's though as I'm really growing to like the wedge shape now, even though at first I wasn't keen (Same with the Tamora, but I can't afford one of those!)


989 posts

273 months

Monday 23rd December 2002
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Well in that case, it's an ideal car :-) Hope you find a good one, you're not having mine though :-)