Starting Probs

Starting Probs


Ian B

Original Poster:

126 posts

275 months

Saturday 21st December 2002
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So, I got my trickle charger last week from Leven and it did an excellent job of topping up my battery.
I took the 350i out for a blast (after a few weeks hibernation) and when I got back I switched the ignition off to move my other car out of the way of the garage. Then I tried re-starting the engine to put the 350i away, it struggled to turn the engine over v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y, not enough to fire it up. The second try was worse and the third attempt drained the last bits of life from the battery.
I've put it on charge again now but why couldn't it fire up the engine when the cockpit gauge showed that the battery was fine (prior to attempting to re-start)? If it weren't for the gauge reading I would have instantly presumed my battery was knackered but what else could be the prob?
In future, when I go out I will be unable to stop the engine for fear of it not starting again!

Thanxalot in advance for advice.


2,190 posts

278 months

Saturday 21st December 2002
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I had the same symptoms on my 350i which turned out to be the battery. Battery voltage was fine but it didn't have the current to turn over a warmed up engine. New battery for less than £40 fixed it.



36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 21st December 2002
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Get a volt meter, measure the voltage. Should be around 12.5-13 volts for a good un. Start car, should get around 14 volts if it is charging ok. If the 14 odd volts showing when engine running assume the battery at fault, no 14 volts say 11 or lower then its not charging off the car.
Also charge battery, measure voltage. leave for an hour or two then re-measure, if there is a big difference battery needs changing.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Saturday 21st December 19:51


26,901 posts

276 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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Could also just be a poor connection to the battery or starter terminals. Even if the alternator were charging the battery, a high resistance would prevent the battery dumping it's load through the starter.
Try cleaning the terminal posts and clamps before you spend any money.



26,498 posts

269 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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Hi Ian,
Been having exactly the same problem with my 350i. If you read my last couple of postings you will see much good advice from everyone. I too hoped it was only battery problems so bought a 700 amp monster but problem persists. now not only wont start when hot but cuts out after idling for a few minutes. Cos its too dark to work on myself its at my mates garage. Gave him all the advice i was given from you all. He tells me that i had an iffy injector relay (didnt know there was one so im assuming its the ignition or fuel relay!) he also tells me the main clue is that all seems fine ecept the rev counter drops off, and on trying to restart the spark is a dull orange. This all points to ignition module failure and have a new one coming tomorrow. Im pretty sure this will solve my problem. Hope you get yours sorted. Thanks to all for there help. Merry Crimbo to you all.
Ps. found excellent site called Rover V8 (forgot exact name but search and ye shall find) its got a brilliant trouble shooting guide with pics,votages etc etc.for V8
EFI's. Come on you experts get similar on our site.


989 posts

273 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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Hmm, come to think of it I had very similar symptoms on another car (Astra GTE). Annoyed me for ages and eventually took it to auto-electrician who figured it out to be the fuel injection relay, aka fuel pump+couple of ther bits. Looking at it through a magnifying device there was a hairline fracture round one of the soldered joints.

Yes I know it's only half an engine but the principle is the same :-)

Ian B

Original Poster:

126 posts

275 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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Thanks for the help guys.
When the engine is running it shows 14v, when it's not running it shows 13v. However, today the car has not had any problem at all. It is probably planning to do it when I'm late for something!

I'll just have to monitor it I suppose.


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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As Wedg1e says, check your teminals. Better to do that at home rather than the side of the road.
Tried disconnecting the battery for an hour or two to check for voltage drop off?


144 posts

273 months

Monday 23rd December 2002
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Could also be worth checking electrolyte level in battery as low level will reduce ability to hold a charge

Ian B

Original Poster:

126 posts

275 months

Monday 23rd December 2002
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jmorgan said: As Wedg1e says, check your teminals. Better to do that at home rather than the side of the road.
Tried disconnecting the battery for an hour or two to check for voltage drop off?

The terminals are fine, I re-greased them a few weeks ago, but I'm still getting a bluey-green deposit forming on the + terminal which I can't explain.

Yes, I tried leaving the battery after a full charge and there was no drop-off, even after two days.

As it now seems to be behaving itself I am thinking it was the starter motor having a 'glitch' because it's not seen much action recently. All seems OK for now.


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 24th December 2002
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Just a thought for the terminal, is the battery clean. ie no dirt that will allow a HR path or the bonnet padding not touching the terminals?


30,639 posts

295 months

Tuesday 24th December 2002
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The traditional solution for this type of problem is to check and clean up the earth connections?


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 24th December 2002
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GreenV8S said: The traditional solution for this type of problem is to check and clean up the earth connections?

Thought he said he had done that somewhere else on here?

Ian B

Original Poster:

126 posts

275 months

Tuesday 24th December 2002
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jmorgan said: Just a thought for the terminal, is the battery clean. ie no dirt that will allow a HR path or the bonnet padding not touching the terminals?

Yes, the battery is clean and the terminal isn't touching the padding as it has a red plastic cap to cover it.


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 24th December 2002
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Ian B said:

jmorgan said: Just a thought for the terminal, is the battery clean. ie no dirt that will allow a HR path or the bonnet padding not touching the terminals?

Yes, the battery is clean and the terminal isn't touching the padding as it has a red plastic cap to cover it.

How fast does it appear after cleaning?

Ian B

Original Poster:

126 posts

275 months

Thursday 26th December 2002
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How fast does it appear after cleaning?

It takes a couple of weeks to build up to a noticeable level, then I just brush it off. Left unchecked it forms in a big clump after a couple of months.