Central door locking

Central door locking



Original Poster:

467 posts

269 months

Saturday 21st December 2002
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Hello everybody,

Does anyone have or beter had the following problem: i've got central door locking on my 350i and it closes whenever it wants to. So if you leave the car running get out and close the door it sometimes closes. In the mean time i developed my skills to almost a professional in opening the hood of a locked TVR.

Have a good Xmas


8,507 posts

283 months

Saturday 21st December 2002
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The central locking was a dealer fit and has varied from car to car. It is normally controlled by the alarm system which has also varied so it is difficult to suggest where to start apart from there.



1,323 posts

278 months

Saturday 21st December 2002
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My old 280i locked the driver's door 50% of the time when I shut it, even though it didn't have central locking.
Does yours lock when you slam it shut (which would mean a mechanical issue) or at other random times (which would probably be electrical, gulp!)?


26,901 posts

276 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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There are certain alarm systems that can be configured to autolock the doors, usually when the ignition is turned on as you describe. So it may just be doing as it's been told to do!
Alternatively, if the wiring was set-up wrongly you could perhaps get these symptoms?

If it happens on a random basis then... hmmm. Possibly a glitch in the alarm; less likely a a shorted wire somewhere.


>> Edited by wedg1e on Sunday 22 December 01:59


Original Poster:

467 posts

269 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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Thanks for the replies,

I think it's an electrical problem and it has an alarmsystem which doesn't work, so i'm going to let a friend of mine have a look if it's possible to fix the whole thing including the alarm.

Greetings Bernard