Where to buy fuel filler caps

Where to buy fuel filler caps



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Saturday 21st December 2002
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Afternoon all
Any suggestion on what to do for replacement filler caps for a Wedge? I'm after two lockable ones. Yep, do mean two as it's a 2+2 and has one on each side. Which usefully are located in a recessed bit on an angle in the bodywork. Every lid I've seen is designed to fit on a flat surface. I need it to be recessed like this or able to be mounted on an angled surface. Any ideas? Are all Wedges like this, I suspected not but could well be wrong?


PS Yes I know I should be fixing the suspension but it's cold :-)


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 21st December 2002
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Looking for something else and an article in sprint, march 1999 from one Mike Hurley. Says he has a large supply made up. As its an old article I would rather not publish the address.
Its for a series 2 and says £12 all in.
Any one know or is Mike Hurley on here?


534 posts

295 months

Sunday 22nd December 2002
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I did buy one of these from Mike Hurley, but that was a couple of years ago. I don't know if he is still has any.


11,352 posts

275 months

Monday 23rd December 2002
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he advertised in sprint some months back
I bought one or two, cant remeber
used a chimaera one in the end
may have one still in the garage (helps when you need two!)