how many 400se are left

how many 400se are left



Original Poster:

315 posts

227 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2006
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just how many are left and can we start a page to see mine is.
K840 XJA red own for 2 years.

>> Edited by s.hogan3 on Tuesday 7th March 21:14


3,450 posts

237 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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I have one

Picture on my profile

>> Edited by badredwedge on Thursday 23 February 15:41


2 posts

227 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
quotequote all
I have one


1,144 posts

230 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
quotequote all
I have one


1,547 posts

258 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Another here. Also know of Dp400Se, Wedgie400, Waynester to save them the trouble of replying

Can I suggest you make this a picture thread as it may get a bit dull. At least get a pic on your profile please. Here's one for you Beacon too with a few dodgy characters in the background.

>> Edited by stever on Thursday 23 February 09:39

nick heppinstall

8,330 posts

289 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Still got mine. Don't know how long for though ....


2,667 posts

228 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Ive got one!

Not sure how to do pics...although there is one on my profile with her looking frosty last week!

number 7

4,104 posts

271 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Here's mine (another pic. on my profile): now a 4.3 Had it since '99.



14,927 posts

279 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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I got one


1,547 posts

258 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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great pic Andy

Ian V

1,817 posts

277 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Me to !!


Original Poster:

315 posts

227 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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how do you post pics?
can anyone help


103 posts

271 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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me too

>> Edited by psb on Thursday 23 February 11:16

number 7

4,104 posts

271 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
quotequote all
s.hogan3 said:
how do you post pics?
can anyone help

From a non-techie like me: You need to find a website to "host" the pictures. Maybe you have your own site? If not, I use I think there are lots of these sites. Its free. If you've already got a picture on your pc somewhere, you upload it to the hosting site. You can then embed the picture in a PH message, using [pic]then the url of the picture[/pic]



1,144 posts

230 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
quotequote all
stever said:
Another here. Also know of Dp400Se, Wedgie400, Waynester to save them the trouble of replying

Can I suggest you make this a picture thread as it may get a bit dull. At least get a pic on your profile please. Here's one for you Beacon too with a few dodgy characters in the background.

>> Edited by stever on Thursday 23 February 09:39

Thanks Stever,I can spot old Seamus in there ,I am guessing you are there with your car,who is the third dodgy character????????


5,963 posts

251 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
quotequote all
number 7 said:
s.hogan3 said:
how do you post pics?
can anyone help

From a non-techie like me: You need to find a website to "host" the pictures. Maybe you have your own site? If not, I use I think there are lots of these sites. Its free. If you've already got a picture on your pc somewhere, you upload it to the hosting site. You can then embed the picture in a PH message, using [pic]then the url of the picture[/pic]



1,547 posts

258 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Thanks Stever,I can spot old Seamus in there ,I am guessing you are there with your car,who is the third dodgy character????????[/quote]

Standing at the back with Seamus are Gavinr (ex SEAC owner, now with Cerbera) and Laup99 or something, a good lad called Paul who had a Tasmin 2.8 FHC but may now have sold.

I was taking the picture


2,381 posts

247 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Here`s another for your collection


36,010 posts

293 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Around 53 are logged in on PH according to the members fleet. Not including the 420, 430, SX etc.


467 posts

267 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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This is my 1991 gun metal grey 400se