Wedge to the rescue...

Wedge to the rescue...


danny hoffman

Original Poster:

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 15th December 2002
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German engineering has let me down, so I will be using the 350i until I get it sorted - see the link for details of my problem

I know you guys will give me loads of sympathy!!

Seriously though any productive suggestions would be appreciated.



61 posts

275 months

Wednesday 18th December 2002
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Re your German problem. I have no knowledge of the car you have but similar problems on my ISUZU Piazza lead me to think you might have a head gasket problem or worse still a cracked head. You say the plug is cold and wet so the clyinder is not firing at all. water I think is getting into the clyinder and wetting the plug shorting it out. The leak will be miniscule and as the pressure in the water system builds so water enters the clyinder shorting out the plug. Sorry for the bad news but looks like youv'e eliminated eveything else.

danny hoffman

Original Poster:

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 18th December 2002
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Mike - if water was getting into the cylinder it would be a bloody miracle, as it's water cooled.

Seriously though a head gasket problem is on my list
