SEAC help

SEAC help



Original Poster:

6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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can anyone tell me how i can find out if the blue car is a genuine seac and not a modified car built by tvr power. Is there any numbers i can check?
thanks steve

Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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2 Sheds will probably give you the definitive answer but a good clue on mine was on the inside of the door trim panels. When I took them off they had "Red SEAC" and the build date handwritten on the inside - not foolproof but were the conversions done with that level of attention to detail - doubtful!

You could also try the TRVCC Registrar.


1,196 posts

274 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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When I brought my 400 I wrote to the factory giving them the chassis number etc asking for the spec on how it left the factory, they sent me a copy of the exact spec, colour, trim , extras such as spoiler and brake dust covers, so I guess a phone call to the factory would put your mind at ease as they could definately tell you if it was a genuine SEAC.


2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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I'm sure its a proper SEAC, there are so many detail differences between the SE & SEAC i think it would be impractical to fake one, an entire body change for a start, as every panel except bonnet, doors and boot are different. there are a couple of SEAC look alikes but they retain the SE sills and arches. phone the factory though just to put your mind at rest.
When are you going to see it ??
Cheers Tim


Original Poster:

6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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hes going to ring me when he gets it out of storage, this weekend i hope