More TVR wheels

More TVR wheels



Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Thursday 12th December 2002
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Sorry to hit this again but I have been offered a set of 7.5x16 alloys at a very reasonable price. The vendor states that they fit Ford 5 stud Granada and BMW 5 series AND TVR. He measured the distance between the wheelnut centres at 65mm which would seem to match.

Again - expert advise appreciated!!!


1,165 posts

278 months

Thursday 12th December 2002
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The hubs on the Wedge are from a MK2 Granada. So if the wheels fit the Granada stud pattern they will fit the Wedge.


12,838 posts

269 months

Thursday 12th December 2002
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What are the offsets?


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 12th December 2002
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sevans said: The hubs on the Wedge are from a MK2 Granada. So if the wheels fit the Granada stud pattern they will fit the Wedge.

They may fit the hub but they may not clear the wheel arch or suspension. The offset may be very different. I would fit and check them as I have seen several Wedges where after market wheels have rubbed through the body or fouled the rear suspension tie rods (A frame).

For example, some of the later OZ wheels don't fit the earlier cars because of this. measure chcek and double check other wise you could make a very expensive mistake.


>> Edited by shpub on Thursday 12th December 19:10

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 12th December 2002
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There is a rumour that Wedge wheels use the same offset as some Mercs


6,025 posts

294 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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danny hoffman said: There is a rumour that Wedge wheels use the same offset as some Mercs

I think Sarah the RO for Bristol'a father has merc wheels on his 400. flat 5 bladed ones


3,800 posts

290 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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Stamped on the wheel somewhere should be the offset number preceded by an 'e' on my wedge for example its hidden underneath the centre cap 'e23'



12,838 posts

269 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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Yes, some of the Merc wheels fit. I have a set with MB stickers on and that set was bought from Bristol Avenue.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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I would measure and check everything as the various models and styles have different wheel arches and this can make all the difference.



8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 13th December 2002
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I would measure and check everything as the various models and styles have different wheel arches and this can make all the difference.


Toby Noble

107 posts

277 months

Saturday 14th December 2002
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Just been through this with mine. The offset on my lattice OZ wheels circa 1984 was 23mm Positive. Confirmed by two different Tyre & wheel retailers. One minute job for them.

My wheels had nothing stamped anywhere on them.

The rumour about Merc wheels fitting it true, no sure about the offset though.

If you can, take them in to a retailer and get them checked, for damage hairline cracks etc as well as the offset and stud pattern.


Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Saturday 14th December 2002
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Gone off it. I have been offered a better ser by a mate of a mate of a mate. 12 months old with 225 yokos.
If anyone else wants the set I was talking about check out this link. The offset seems to be wrong for a wedge tho.

If you bid £110 just before the close you will probably get them. Certainly for less than £150.

>> Edited by Pettsie on Saturday 14th December 21:15


80 posts

278 months

Saturday 14th December 2002
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A friend of mine in the TVR club was kind to lend me a set of NICE 400 wheels with 225/50 tyres. I was going to check if they would fit INSIDE the wheel archs(don´t remember the spelling..)of my 350i. Well, IN MY DREAMS THEY WOULD. The car looked like a top fuel dragster! The wheels were just TO WIDE to fit. That was really sad; though just another wet dream among the others that hasn´t been fulfilled yet. Forget wider wheels on a early wedge, instead get yourself a decent car, like a 400/450 !


Original Poster:

354 posts

268 months

Saturday 14th December 2002
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Slight difference in price!!! I have still got my bike - if you fancy your chances