Just got one

Just got one


jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Wednesday 11th December 2002
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After a few months of searching my 280 will arrive tomorrow.
I'm in the US so a 280 it has to be!
I will have a ton of quesis for you guys (it will enable you to flaunt your knowledge)
As it has already snowed here and the roads have been salted, the car will be garaged until the rain has washed away the salt.
I do have two small jobs that I want to do staight away.
The seller has a polished plenium that is being sent with the car, I have to change it and return the one on the car. I assume this is fairly simple, I would like to know however whether the plenuim needs a gasket or just will liquid sealer suffice.
If a gasket is needed is it a ford part?

Second job is to adjust the handbrake, I'm hoping it is just that. (adjust) Should it need pads, do any US wedge owners have a crossover number for handbrake pads. I'm hoping the cable is not streatched beyond adj!

There is a lot of documentation with the car, includind some books, I'm hoping one will be the W. Bible, if not, I think that'll be an early purchase


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 11th December 2002
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The rear pads are from a Jag XJS as are the handbrake ones.

Plenums need to be air tight so use what ever method you thing. Selent is commonly used as it is a bit more forgiving than a gasket and easier to get.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 11th December 2002
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Handbrake adjustment can be a 5 minute job or a lot longer if things are seized!

If you are lucky all you will need to do is remove the split pins and give the flat screw heads a couple of turns until the pads are just off binding.



36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 11th December 2002
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Also check that all the hand brake pads are there and the cable hasn't come out of the clip by the lever and its well greased with the greasing points under the car, cable that is.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Wednesday 11th December 20:09

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Wednesday 11th December 2002
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As stated before, the handbrake can be a 5 minute job but could be involved as well. I would check the handbrake mechanism itself first. There is a bolt that holds the handbrake lever onto the rest of the handbrake mechanism. Over a period of time, by engaging the handbrake, this bolt works loose causing slack and non-engagement. The bolt is located right beneath the handbrake boot cover if it is the same setup as my 450. It may also be a stretched cable in which the slack can be taken out at the rear brakes via the threaded slack-screw. As stated earlier in this thread, if it is indeed pads it could be further adjusted by removing the split pins and tightening there. If it is the pads, it will be a more involved process. If you don't already have Steve Health's Wedge Bible, get one! I have found this publication to be invaluable numerous times.

Good Luck and Congratulations on TVR ownership

Shawn Ford


681 posts

273 months

Wednesday 11th December 2002
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Welcome to 280i ownership. Send me an e-mail at
tvrccna@cox.net and I will be glad to be of help
in any way I can through the TVR Car Club North
America or with other wedge related questions for
Good luck

jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Wednesday 11th December 2002
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Thanks for all your assistance.