After nearly two years...
...I am getting closer to having a roadworthy Wedge again
I had a call from Peninsula on Monday to say that all rotten sections of the chassis have been replaced, and the numerous cracks have been repaired and reinforced.
It's just being powder coated now, then start bolting things back together again!
Of course, the only down side is finding the money to pay for it

I had a call from Peninsula on Monday to say that all rotten sections of the chassis have been replaced, and the numerous cracks have been repaired and reinforced.
It's just being powder coated now, then start bolting things back together again!
Of course, the only down side is finding the money to pay for it

I do hope that the powder coaters are using my companies masking products to keep the coating out of the threads....
jvaughan said: About time too .... My wedge is comming home for January 1st. I just need to find secure additional storage near andover so i can keep it in a carcoon when not in use.
I've been thinking about a carcoon as well, but I don't know how easy it is to get the car in and out of it, and if it will fit into a single garage.
Nice one! Good Xmas pressy anyway...
There was an Andy Haas and a Mark Laker both with Wedges in your area. Know either of them? I haven't heard from Mark for almost 2 years and the last I heard of Andy, he was still trying to flog his (apparently immaculately restored) Tasmin for £7500.
Nice one! Good Xmas pressy anyway...

There was an Andy Haas and a Mark Laker both with Wedges in your area. Know either of them? I haven't heard from Mark for almost 2 years and the last I heard of Andy, he was still trying to flog his (apparently immaculately restored) Tasmin for £7500.
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