Anyone own the Wedge in my carpark in York

Anyone own the Wedge in my carpark in York



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Friday 6th December 2002
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Phoar, someone's parked a red one in our car park, it's very nice :-)

Long shot but anyone on 'ere work in York and own said car, I wanna nosey at it..............


6 posts

267 months

Thursday 19th December 2002
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If its the red wedge in a carpark off blossom street-its mine!I will be parking there tomorrow(but in meetings most of the day.I will try and be in the carpark at 1300 hrs!



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Friday 20th December 2002
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Small world! Yep, sounds like the one to me :-) There couldn't be two red Wedges in carparks off Blossom Street. You won't see mine for a while as it's undergoing some surgery on my drive for a few more weeks yet. There's also a lack of parking spaces, I don't live far enough away to warrant one :-( I get to freeze atm, coming to work on the Black CBR600 parked in the walkway by the cycle rack!

I'll have a wander around at about 13.00, weather dependant I guess :-)

>> Edited by york33 on Friday 20th December 00:06


6 posts

267 months

Friday 20th December 2002
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Sorry I missed you,I looked out of the office window at 1300hrs whilst eating my sandwiches,but didnt see you!.Nice bike though,(I use to have a Honda CBX but that was years ago).Leave your phone no on my windscreen of the boring blue mondeo or the red tvr and i will give you a call in the New Year
Merry Xmas!


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Friday 20th December 2002
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I did have a bit of a wander around at about that time but didn't spot you. It was cold though and I ran off for yet more food after not very long. Anyways, email coming off list shortly...........


2,646 posts

280 months

Friday 20th December 2002
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Aww, this is what Pistonheads was made for - a touching story for Christmas. You'll be telling it when you're old codgers sitting by the fire in Taylor's tea shop in future years. Keep it up!!


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Saturday 21st December 2002
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TVRs Reunited..........much better than friends reunited :-)


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Thursday 26th December 2002
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Email would have come off-list but it bounced :-(