


Brm Brm

Original Poster:

217 posts

285 months

Thursday 5th December 2002
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I've read in more than one place (including the bible)that TVR fitted a 74 degree thermostat with a "larger valve" to late wedges. Anyone know where I can get one? I'm not convinced that the standard 82 degree Halfords item is the best available!!

Also, does anyone know why some thermostats appear to have a small ball valve in the face of the main valve and others dont - something to do with air locks perhaps - in which case of interest to a few wedge owners I suspect??


805 posts

277 months

Thursday 5th December 2002
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I got mine (74c) from david gerald tvr but rimmer brothers also do them. Its not a big bore one I got though. Would it be a good idea to drill a couple of holes in the surround to eliminate air locks or is it usually ok when you refill with coolant?

>> Edited by gf350 on Thursday 5th December 20:26

2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Thursday 5th December 2002
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Any of the TVR specialists, TowerView , peninsula etc should be able to send you one,


26,901 posts

276 months

Friday 6th December 2002
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The small valve (Jiggle pin!) should be installed at the '12 o'clock' position, so that any air bubbles find their way through it.



534 posts

295 months

Friday 6th December 2002
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I got my 74 degree thermostat from a dealer (whatever their name was in Chichester (W. Sussex) - don't do TVR's anymore).

I found it made a big difference over the 82 degree 'normal' one.


21,562 posts

295 months

Friday 6th December 2002
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534 posts

295 months

Friday 6th December 2002
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Ah yes, that's it! Well reminded