1987/350i gear box and clutch
The 'box is certainly a standard Rover bit; the clutch may be uprated if you have a need for it, but AFAIK a standard Rover one will do.
You sure the noise (whatever it is) isn't all down to the clutch, e.g. release bearing?
The Rover box uses ATF rather than 80/90 SAE gear oil and it has an internal oil pump. Using the wrong oil,or letting it drop too low can sh*g the box very quickly.
You sure the noise (whatever it is) isn't all down to the clutch, e.g. release bearing?
The Rover box uses ATF rather than 80/90 SAE gear oil and it has an internal oil pump. Using the wrong oil,or letting it drop too low can sh*g the box very quickly.
Me, myself, and a friend are using Red Line MTL in our Wedges. Tested on track days also. Seems to work just fine. ATF oil is made for auto boxes... MTL info here: www.redlineoil.com/redlineoil/mtlti.htm
tvr350i said: Me, myself, and a friend are using Red Line MTL in our Wedges. Tested on track days also. Seems to work just fine. ATF oil is made for auto boxes... MTL info here: www.redlineoil.com/redlineoil/mtlti.htm
ATF may be 'made' for auto boxes; it's also used in PAS systems. I guess if Rover themselves recommended it, it should be the stuff to use. I think the point is that even the thinner gear oils must have been too thick for the 'box oil pump to provide an efficient flow; that's why they changed.
Maybe more modern oils are an improvement: I'll wait till I hear that there's a significant benefit (such as more power due to lower friction ;-) before I commit myself...
Of Course Steve! Thought i would wake somebody...
Here are some info about the T5: www.moderndriveline.com/Technical_Bits/t5_history.htm
A Dexron-III/Mercon ATF or a DexronR III(eg. CASTROL SYNTEC FULL SYNTHETIC DEXRON®-III / MERCON®) later specification ATF oil is probably a good choise in the Rover box.
It´s because of the PUMP that the ATF oil should be used in the Rover box, right ?
Here are some info about the T5: www.moderndriveline.com/Technical_Bits/t5_history.htm
A Dexron-III/Mercon ATF or a DexronR III(eg. CASTROL SYNTEC FULL SYNTHETIC DEXRON®-III / MERCON®) later specification ATF oil is probably a good choise in the Rover box.
It´s because of the PUMP that the ATF oil should be used in the Rover box, right ?
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