wedge production numbers

wedge production numbers



Original Poster:

86 posts

279 months

Saturday 30th November 2002
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where can i find the production numbers for wedges?? i found them before and now i cant.

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Saturday 30th November 2002
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Graham Robson's TVR Volume 2: Tasmin to Chimaera has a pretty comprehensive list of production figures in the Appendix D section pages 126-127.

Shawn Ford
450 SE


8,507 posts

283 months

Sunday 1st December 2002
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They are also in the bible.... I disagree with the Robson figures over a couple of cars!

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Sunday 1st December 2002
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I certainly agree that the production figures are a bit skewed. For instance, I have seen elsewhere where it lists that 2 of the 35/37 450 SE's built are left-hand drive. There are at least 5 know to exist, 3 of which are in Canada. Obviously TVR record keeping regarding production numbers was not very accurate. Who knows how many other errors exist. I don't know if Mervyn can clarify on this or not?

450 SE