Quick Rack

Quick Rack


taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Friday 29th November 2002
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Has anyone ever fitted a quick rack conversion kit and if so how much difference does it make? Power steering's not an option as I've got no room. Trans Auto Sport do a kit for around 50 quid and my pockets smouldering.


8,507 posts

283 months

Saturday 30th November 2002
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How strong are your arms?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Saturday 30th November 2002
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I have always thought the standard set-up in my old 280 and current 350 were quite quick anyway. I know you get lots of turns lock to lock but the turning circle is very good, so the steering is pretty direct.



8,507 posts

283 months

Sunday 1st December 2002
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danny hoffman said: I have always thought the standard set-up in my old 280 and current 350 were quite quick anyway. I know you get lots of turns lock to lock but the turning circle is very good, so the steering is pretty direct.


The racks are not that quick but the Wedge geometery means that you hardly use all of the rack. Another reasons why the 520 has stayed standard.


8,507 posts

283 months

Sunday 1st December 2002
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danny hoffman said: I have always thought the standard set-up in my old 280 and current 350 were quite quick anyway. I know you get lots of turns lock to lock but the turning circle is very good, so the steering is pretty direct.


The racks are not that quick but the Wedge geometery means that you hardly use all of the rack. Another reasons why the 520 has stayed standard.


1,323 posts

278 months

Sunday 1st December 2002
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I find the power steering setup on my 400 to be extremely sharp, and the turning circle is great - better than my old 280i in fact.


30 posts

294 months

Monday 2nd December 2002
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I have fitted a mk4 cortine quick rack to the 200. At 2.5 turns lock to lock it is a significant improvement on the original shopping car rack. The steering is no worse than a non-pas chimp. In fact a little lighter when parking, but that may because of the lower weight over the front wheels. I donot know the differnce if weight between a 2.8 and the boat-anchor pinto engine.