All I want for :xmas:

All I want for :xmas:


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Wednesday 27th November 2002
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Only two hurdles to go and TVR280i is rolling again.

All I need is a front indicator/side light lens and a Granada viscous fan. Both were damaged in the accident and neither Granadas nor Renault 12s were imported to Aust so I'm up sh!t creek without a paddle at the moment.

Any ideas where I might get either?

Cheers, Toby


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 27th November 2002
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Electric fan instead?


86 posts

279 months

Wednesday 27th November 2002
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i have an electric fan on mine, it works fine. i got the kit to instal at my local parts store farily cheep, really easy to wire up, and you can adjust when it goes on as well as you can run 2 fans if you want


233 posts

274 months

Wednesday 27th November 2002
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I'm heading down under on the 24th.

how easy are these bits to get in the UK anyone know?

Think the fan might be a problem, but I could get an indicator lense in a suitcase.

ho ho ho


30 posts

294 months

Wednesday 27th November 2002
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I thought that the original imported eletric water pump came from Aus. Using one will mean you need the fan less.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 27th November 2002
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Are you looking for the actual fan, or the viscous coupling. I may have a spare coupling (and it isn't too large for skyrocketship's case). I would have though it is a pretty standard part that you could source somewhere locally.

Mail me if you want me to go looking through my piles of old junk and if I can find it I will mail you back some photos.


PS Electric fans suggested by others sound like a good option

Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Thursday 28th November 2002
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Gents, I just found the last Renault 12 indicator lens in touwn and it was brand new, still in the box. Problem 1 over.

I've thought about the thermatic fan option but I've been told that:

a) They don't put the same amount of air through becasus the blades on thermatics are at a lesser angle, therefore it won't cool as efficiently and;

b) They load up the alternator too much.

Cooling being as critical as it is here, I'm sticking with the standard fan. I've never had any cooling problems and I don't want to tempt fate.


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 28th November 2002
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danny hoffman said: ...if you want me to go looking through my piles of old junk....

Hey Danny, there's no need to be so critical of your car collection...


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Friday 29th November 2002
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Just the fan Danny not the coupling. The Granada Club over there just quoted me 50 quid but that's about 4000 Australian dollars....

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 29th November 2002
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I probably kept the fan as well, if you find a way to get it down under.

Let me know if you want me to go through my collection!




270 posts

278 months

Friday 29th November 2002
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Maybe I can get hold of a indicator glas in Holland.
Mail me your needs and I will try to get hold of one.
Which site???

Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Friday 29th November 2002
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Crisis over fan and lens found....

Thanks for the offers anyway guys.