350 chevy into 84 280i

350 chevy into 84 280i



Original Poster:

86 posts

279 months

Sunday 24th November 2002
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i spoke w/ someone today that had put a 350 chevy v8 into his 84 280i. he said his brother did the transplant and welded in the nessasarry mounts and it took like 2 days and he had it up and running. so i will be in contact w/ him about what he did and the problems he had w/ this swap. he backed it up w/ a th 350 auto trans. i was very excited to find someone who has put a v8 into a wedge. as for the heavy weight of the 350 motor, he was going to fix that by installing a heavy set of coil overs to stiffen up the front. i will keep you guys posted w/ some information that i get from him. i know there are several of us state side that would like to swap in v8s.

has anyone considered putting a late model ford explorer motor in. i was thinking of the 98 and up 4.0 sohc v6. this motor has the same block as the stock 280i motor and should fit right in. this motor comes stock w/ 207 hp. and can very easily be fitted w/ a supercharger. also this v6 has a great deal of torque so that sould be great. and it will bolt right up to the stock tranny and bell housing. however i plan on attaching a t5 if i go this way.
i would love to hear anyone elses ideas.


21,198 posts

271 months

Sunday 24th November 2002
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I have seen the Cosworth 2.9 Scorpio engine in the wedge before now. The exhaust manifolds were a nightmare to squeeze in, plus the engines very overweight IMHO. Why not go for the LS1 or something modern and lightweight?


421 posts

274 months

Wednesday 27th November 2002
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A mate of mine has an Olds Toronado, with a 455 big block in it. Why not just swap the lot? Front wheel drive must be a good bet...